Friday, October 14, 2011

The Future Of America

The future of America, the world and your future rests in the hands of God.
The only future America, the world or you have
Is to be found among those God esteems;
Those who are humble and contrite in spirit and tremble at His Word 
(Isaiah 66:2);
Those who love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.
There is no future for anyone else or any nation.

At this time America and the world have rejected the Son of God, Christ Jesus;
The Savior, God sent to the world.
They are godless, self-indulgent and wicked.
Because of this God has removed His hand of protection from them
And has given them over to the evil one, Satan;
Who came to steal, kill and destroy, which is what he is currently doing.
Satan is at this time preparing, grooming, America, the world
And every godless person
To receive his son, the Beast, the Antichrist of The Book of Revelation;
The lying “savior” of the world.

The only hope for America, any nation or any person
Is to repent of their godlessness and turn to God at this time;
God who will then extend His hand of protection over them.
All others will willingly receive the “mark” of the Beast,
Worship the Beast and be damned, according to the Word of God.

God Almighty says to America, the world and every person:
I spoke to you again and again, but you did not listen;
I called you, but you did not answer. (Jeremiah 7:13)

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