Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christian Beware!

The whole world is a prisoner of sin (Galatians 3:22)
The whole world is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19)
This reality is not taught in the Church of Christ Jesus as it should.
The reality is that every person is either controlled by the evil one
Or by Christ Jesus, there is no middle ground.
To be controlled by Christ Jesus means that of your own free will
You submit your will to the will of Christ Jesus,
The only Way, the only Truth and the only LIFE.
To accomplish this you must repent of your sins,
Make a confession of faith in Him, as Savior and Lord;
Be washed in His blood for the forgiveness of your sins,
And be filled with His Spirit to enable you to overcome the evil one.
It is Christ in you your hope of glory and nothing else.

The Church has not made it clear
That there is no good thing outside of Christ Jesus;
That if you find your life in this life you will loose it,
But if you lose you life for the sake of Christ you will find it.
The Church in the USA has so accommodated itself to the culture
That in many respects it is indistinguishable from it.
It is certainly not separate from it, as Christ Jesus called it to be.
Christians often have greater patriotism to the USA
Than allegiance to God.
The Church has taken on the spirit of this world,
The spirit of the evil one;
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
This accommodation to the culture 
And the taking on of its spirit will be its undoing
As it has been the undoing of every preceding culture.
Sin always brings the inevitable judgment of God.
Sometimes this judgment is God simply removing His protection
And giving over the person or nation to the wiles of the evil one.

This is the unique last hour of human history
And its falling apart, confusion and chaos is currently well underway,
Wickedness is increasing on every side,
The love of most will grow cold as Christ Jesus said it would.
Christ Jesus will be the cause of division between families and friends
Because the culture, through the deception of the devil,
Will blame Christians for its religious, social, political 
And economic problems.
This has been increasing for some time 
But will become ever more virulent.
This phenomena is happening world wide,
Because it is driven by the evil one, the archenemy of Christ Jesus,
The ruler of this world, who knows that his time is short.

The USA and the world are rushing toward the climax
When out of chaos and confusion, the Antichrist, the son of Satan, 
The Beast, will be revealed, and then worshiped;
Rushing toward One World Order, the modern Tower of Babel
And its predetermined failure;
Rushing toward the “mark” of the Beast 
And all its implications and realities;
The worlds final and greatest Holocaust;
Rushing toward The Great Tribulation and its devastation;
And finally, The Battle of Armageddon 
And the return of Christ Jesus in His Glory;
Who defeats the Antichrist with the breath of His mouth
And the splendor of His appearing.

Today, a good part of the culture is overtly Antichrist 
In word and deed.
The choice the Church will have is absolute subjection to the culture 
And government ruled by the devil, or be ostracized from it, 
And death.
The only hope for every Christian at this time is to seek God 
While He may be found.
Those who lay down their lives for Christ Jesus and take up His LIFE,
Will have their names written in the Lamb's Book Of LIFE;
And will receive the reward He has promised.
They will also avoid the wrath of God as the apostle Paul said.

Today, the government, having forsaken God, 
Is attempting to be “god,”
Masquerading as an angel of light, like its ruler;
Guaranteeing the health and wellbeing of its citizens 
For the price of submission to it.
In this pursuit it has gone into enormous debt 
That can never be repaid;
The USA has prostituted itself to the nations it owes money to.
The debtor is always subject to the lender.
The government has driven God out of its schools.
The government has put its seal of approval on 
And paid for abortions;
(Those who live by abortions will die by abortion)
The government has put its seal of approval on homosexuality;
(Ignoring the lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah 
And its inevitable judgment)
The government has therefore cursed God, His Word, 
His Christ and his people, and brought a curse upon itself.

Many within the government evoke the words “God bless America,”
But refuse to bless God.
They honor God with their mouths but their hearts are far from Him.
The nations of the world and their leaders are puppets of the evil one.
They are doing his bidding, manipulated by his puppet strings.
The end of this story is told in God's Word.
Once again God will prove to be God, and men without hope, 
Without Him.
Hell is widening its mouth to receive those 
Who reject God and His Christ.
Heavens doors are opened wide for those who love Christ Jesus
With all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
Christ Jesus, the narrow Way, the only Way.

Lord, you are infinitely more powerful than the evil one;
He is simply a created being with supernatural abilities;
Strengthen those who belong to You by Your Spirit,
That they might stand for You, 
Your Word and Your Christ, Jesus, in this last hour.

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