Tuesday, May 7, 2024



The videos of the “pro-Palestine” protests tearing apart universities from coast to coast have a striking similarity. 

There’s Hamas scarfs, Palestinian flags, new blue pup tents, power tools, and stacks of crisp new plywood with which students build barricades to keep out police.

These lawless, anti-Israel encampments are a far cry from the ragtag bands of peaceniks of the 1960s. 

The debris alone reveals these protesters are extremely well funded. 

My team’s research has revealed just who is bankrolling this lawless insanity. 

Today’s email is the first in a multi-part series unmasking who is really behind the anarchists shutting down our schools and what you can do about it.

It is DANGEROUS slogans from the Nazis in the 1930s and 40s are repeated. 

It is DANGEROUS when pro-Hamas agitators are advocating the overthrow of the United States. 

And it is DANGEROUS when Iran praises the violence and says that when Iran attacks America, these “students” will side with the ayatollahs.

Please, fax Congress and demand they hold immediate hearings and investigate the university presidents, the people, and the organizations funding the riots happening on college campuses. 

Then read on for Part 1 in our series, Funding Anti-Israel Hate. — Mat


More than half of the protesters arrested at New York University on April 22 were not students, faculty, staff, or people otherwise affiliated with the school.

And 45 of the 79 protesters arrested at the University of Texas at Austin were not associated with the school in any way, shape, or form.

Tulane University officials have announced that the overwhelming majority of the protesters on its campus also were not affiliated with the school.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams stated that “outside agitators” had “co-opted” the Columbia protests.

Wednesday, NYPD released new footage showing 62-year-old “protest consultant” Lisa Fithian instructing Columbia students on how to securely bar the doors and block police from entering the building they had seized.

Reportedly a witch active in a Central California coven, Fithian has been arrested for protests and inciting riots more than 80 times!

The communist rag Mother Jones magazine dubbed Fithian “the nation’s best-known protest consultant.”

Fithian has a long resume of protests and riots, including the riots that shut down the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle, the Occupy Wall Street movement, the uprisings at Standing Rock, and the Ferguson uprising, as well as numerous “climate change” protests. 

If there’s rioting to be done, Lisa Fithian is often leading the charge.

Meanwhile, at campus encampments across America, there’s row after row of freshly delivered tents. 

These aren’t used mismatched tents the students brought from home. 

Instead, the tents are nearly identical, bought in bulk from a single source.

At Columbia, the New York Post reported that pizzas, lattes, cappuccinos, 12.50-a-pop sandwiches, organic tortilla chips, and rotisserie chicken from a ritzy gourmet deli were delivered to feed the protesters.

At UCLA, live video from Fox News of the temporarily dispersed encampment Thursday morning showed a huge mess left behind, including piles of abandoned 100-dollar Yeti coolers, as well as brand-new power tools and stacks of plywood that had been delivered so protesters could build walls.

At UCLA in particular, the nights of glamping while dining on gourmet food from expensive coolers apparently fueled the crowd into beating unconscious a Jewish student. 

The woman, whose name has been withheld for her safety, was attacked by five violent haters.

Bleeding and knocked unconscious, the Jewish woman was rushed to the hospital. 

Her concussion was so severe that when the ER doctors finally revived her, she did not even recognize her own parents.

So, who is paying professional rioters like Lisa Fithian and buying tony toys, organic foods, and gourmet coffees for them across the country?

At least 10 nonprofits around the country have so far been linked to these violent and destructive protests. These groups have abused their nonprofit status to advocate for the overthrow of not only America’s ally Israel, but also of the United States of America itself — a violation of U.S. Code.

At least one of these organizations advertised that it would pay 24-28 dollars per hour for “fellows” to organize protests.

Over the next few days, I will share with you the names of these organizations, their history, and details about the three mega wealthy globalist families funding these lawless, destructive “charities.

The evidence is readily available. 

Now it’s time for Congress to do something. In addition to summoning university presidents to testify, it’s time to hold the TRUE criminals accountable — the so-called “student organizations” and nonprofits funded by evil men who wish to see both Israel and America destroyed.

Please fax Congress now and demand they perform a full public investigation and hold accountable the university presidents, the people, and the organizations organizing anti-Israel and anti-America riots, including their leaders AND their globalist funders.

Liberty Counsel continues to fight for the right to life, religious freedom, and the natural family in courtrooms across America and before the U.S. Supreme Court, where we have several briefs pending. We cannot do this important work without your financial support.

Please make a recurring monthly donation to keep us ready for the fights ahead and DOUBLE your gift with our generous 2024 Challenge Grant.

Mat Staver

Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. Your gift today will be DOUBLED by a generous Challenge Grant. And sign the petition.

P.P.S. These campus uprisings are the perfect example of why children need the Christ-centered education our Covenant Journey Academy provides. We’ve made K-12 home and remote schooling easy. Tuition discounts are now available. Learn more at CJ.Academy.


“About Lisa – Shut It Down.” Shut It Down. Accessed May 2, 2024. Shutitdownnow.org/about-lisa/.

Khanna, Akshat. “UCLA Protests: Jewish Student Beaten Unconscious by Pro-Palestine Protesters | VIDEO.” News Nine, May 1, 2024. News9live.com/videos/world-videos/ucla-protests-jewish-student-beaten-unconscious-by-pro-palestine-protesters-video-2519144.

"Lisa Fithian.” Wikipedia. Accessed May 2, 2024. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Fithian.

“NYPD Release Video Showing Professional ‘Protest Consultant’ at Columbia University.” FOX 22 WFVX Bangor/ABC 7, April 30, 2024. Foxbangor.com/news/national/nypd-release-video-showing-professional-protest-consultant-at-columbia-university/article_16041158-325f-512f-90d9-437990863e63.html.

Pathak, Pallavi. “UCLA: Jewish Girl Sent to Emergency Room after Reportedly Beaten by Pro-Palestine Protesters.” Shiksha Study Abroad, May 1, 2024. Shiksha.com/studyabroad/news/ucla-jewish-girl-sent-to-emergency-room-after-reportedly-beaten-by-propalestine-protesters-articlepage-163593.

Stoll, Ira. “Opinion | Some Anti-Israel Protesters Are Paid.” The Wall Street JournalApril 24, 2024. Wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20.


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