Thursday, March 21, 2024

PRAY: Dan Bongino Shares Tragic News, Supernatural Encounter


Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino (Dan Bongino Facebook/The Dan Bongino Show)

News commentator and former law enforcement officer Dan Bongino shared with fans heartbreaking news and a supernatural encounter that shook him.

A few days ago, Bongino let viewers know his mother had unexpectedly passed away after falling down a flight of stairs.

"My mom died last night, unexpectedly," Bongino says. "She fell down a flight of stairs, and I found out early this morning."

Bongino says he saw a message from around 4:43 a.m. about his mother's passing. She had been pronounced dead at around 3 a.m., which is when he had a very strange supernatural encounter.

"For those of you who don't believe in God, I'm not here to judge you," Bongino says. "But I want to tell you something. I want to tell you in advance I'm not crazy, okay?"

Bongino went on to explain that around the same time as his mother's passing, he felt someone grab him even though he was at home alone while his wife and daughter were on vacation.

"Someone grabbed me. Like hugged me like a mom," Bongino says.

Bongino says that this experience didn't happen in the middle of a dream state because he had gotten up to go get a drink of water. It was when he was attempting to go back to sleep that he felt someone touch him.

"I turned over this way and someone grabbed me. [It] was real. I'm telling you it was real. I actually jumped up."

Whether you believe Dan Bongino has had a supernatural occurrence related to his mother's passing or not, this is a time for all people to pray for him and his family as they deal with the tragic loss of his mother. 

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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