Sunday, February 18, 2024

“In This World, You Will Have Tribulation”

 “Pain Management” - Sandra Fischer

For the joy set before him, he endured the cross 
Hebrews 12:2b NIV

This world is full of pain. 

For Christians, it should not be a surprise. Jesus said, “In this world, you will have tribulation.” (John 16:33a NKJV) 

It’s a given. 
I don’t know anyone who says they have never experienced pain. 
Our first cry at birth shows how becoming flesh is shocking and painful. From that moment on we look for ways to prevent, endure or manage our pain.
We try to avoid it, deny it, or use any means to dull it. 
It may present itself in physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual form. 
We despair its presence, but it has purpose. 
Without it we may not realize we have a problem needing attention. 
And we do have a resource, an example to help us—Jesus.
Jesus experienced the same kinds of pain we do because He chose to put on flesh. 
From his first baby cry to his final one of agony, he suffered rejection from his closest friends, emotional despair of being separated from the Father on the cross, the struggle in his spirit at Gethsemane to do God’s will, and the unbearable excruciating horror of death by crucifixion.
Why was Jesus willing to bear such pain and suffering? 

“For the joy set before him, he endured the cross…” 
(Hebrews 12:2b) 

The joy was knowing he was doing the will of the Father, to take our sin upon himself and reconcile us to God. And in John 16:33b, Jesus implores us: “. . .be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
For Christians, our pain like Christ’s is temporary, and we can be of good cheer for our joy in what he has done. 
But for the lost who die without Christ, the pain will never end.
Father, help us endure our pain through Christ. Help us to share his grace with those who need the assurance of eternal life, free pain forever.

Sandra is a FaithWriters Platinum member, check out her books or message her HERE. 

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