Saturday, January 27, 2024

Chosen Sojourners

Karen Pourbabaee

“Dear friends, God the Father chose you long ago and knew you would become His children.” 1 Peter 1:2 LB

Peter begins this letter by addressing the “chosen sojourners” of the dispersion. (1 Peter 1:1) 
Not only are we generally chosen, but the place and time of our travels is divinely mandated. 

“From one ancestor He made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the places where they would live.” 
(Acts 17:26 NRSVCE) Nothing escapes His divine providence. 
I relish this title of Peter’s, chosen sojourner!

What is a sojourner? 
A word study offers three synonyms that provide an interesting perspective: traveler, wanderer, straggler. 
In my view, three types of sojourners emerge.

The traveler is the happy, trusting tourist, enjoying the scenery, experiences, cuisine, the people they both travel with and those they meet along the way. 
They are very much aware of the blessings given in their journey. 
They have a planned itinerary and a personal Tour Guide. 
They follow “The Book” and rarely get lost. 
They know where they’re heading.
The wanderer has more vague ideas on the journey itself, but delights in the trip. 
They like exploring and may lose sight of the purpose and destination of the sojourn. 
They possess The Book but might leave it on the shelf sometimes. Nevertheless, they are chosen and are under God’s watchful eye.
The straggler is usually behind, separated from the group. 
Their distance prevents them from hearing the voice of the Tour Guide. Perhaps they’ve sold their Book at a garage sale. 
Stragglers struggle more. 
But our Good Shepherd leaves the 99 for this one straggler.
No matter our apparent synonym of the moment, we are all equally chosen and beloved of the Father. 

He promises, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” 
(Hebrews 13:5) 

Chosen sojourner, stop a moment and listen to God’s voice. 
He will guide you and accompany you on your journey. 
Contact Karen and read more HERE.

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