Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Another Desperate Gambit by Democrats


By Peter Lemiska
January 2, 2024

We like to think of judges as learned arbiters, thoroughly knowledgeable in the finer details of the law and, above all, eminently honest and fair – nonpartisan and unbiased. 

That’s especially true of supreme court justices.

Sometimes they don’t meet our expectations. 

Take, for example, those four justices serving on Colorado’s supreme court. Their recent ruling, excluding Donald Trump from Colorado’s 2024 presidential ballot, exposed those so-called arbiters of justice as nothing more than political hacks.

All those years in ivy league law schools certainly gave them intricate knowledge of our legal system, but like some others in the legal profession, they chose to use that knowledge to justify a forgone conclusion, rather than dispense justice. 

Using ambiguous laws, obscure courtroom decisions, and twisted logic, they succeeded in convincing Trump-haters across the country that their decision was based on solid legal grounds. 

But others understand that had they used simple common sense, they would likely have reached a different decision.

Instead, they first had to accept the absurd Democrat lie that the incident at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was an “insurrection.” They created a labored and contorted legal explanation rationalizing that position.

They should have first checked a dictionary for the most common definition of the word – “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.”

Then they could have taken a closer look at the 14th Amendment, which was written in the wake of a bloody Civil War that ripped our country apart and killed 620,000 Americans. 

That’s what the writers of the amendment had in mind when the included the words “insurrection or rebellion.” 

They were clearly were not thinking of some disorderly protest at the Capitol.

They could have simply watched the January 6th videos taken inside the Capitol – the ones posted by the Committee on House Administration

They would have seen what looked like tour groups meandering through the building. 

They would have seen no hint of an armed rebellion.

Yes, if they had only been guided by common sense, rather than unbounded hatred of Donald Trump, we wouldn’t be talking about this today.

To eliminate Trump from the ballot, they also had to explain how Trump, himself, “engaged in insurrection,” even though he’s never been convicted of, or even charged with that offense. 

His speech that day did contain some fiery rhetoric – but it was no different than the rhetoric regularly used by other politicians. 

More significant was the cautionary remark Trump made to the crowd: 

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” 

Those don’t sound like the words of an insurrectionist.

This isn’t the first time that Democrats have tried to abuse the Constitution and override the will of the American people.

In 2016 they orchestrated the failed Russia collusion hoax. 

In 2020, they successfully manipulated the presidential election, helped by 50 former intelligence professionals and Trump-haters in the news and social media. 

Last-minute, illegal changes to election laws in Pennsylvania and other states also helped them saddle the country with their chosen candidate, a thoroughly corrupt stooge – a globalist bent on destroying America’s sovereignty. 

Sadly, their concerted efforts to defeat Trump also decimated public trust in an election process that was once the envy of the world.

And when obsessed Democrats forged ahead with two frivolous impeachments and a slew of bogus indictments, does anyone believe it was about the will of the people?

Now, as the 2024 election approaches, their tactics have become more desperate and more brazen, but just as despicable. Democrats are appealing to state authorities to remove Trump from their ballots.

Those four obscure Democrat-appointed justices told 1.3 million Coloradan Trump voters that they’ll just have to find another candidate. 

If that doesn’t defy the democratic concept of free and open elections, how about this? 

Like a tin-pot dictator, Democrat Secretary of State of Maine, just spat in the eyes of Trump supporters, nearly half the state’s voting population. Short on both legal credentials and common sense, she gleefully jumped aboard the Bump Trump Bandwagon, declaring the former president an insurrectionist, and proclaiming that he would be excluded from Maine’s ballot.

In less than 12 months the American people will elect a president to lead them out of this morass – to stop the invasion on our southern border, restore our once-thriving economy, and regain our respect on the world stage. 

Donald Trump has accomplished all that in the past, and polls indicate that voters would reelect him today over Joe Biden. 

A handful of zealots in a few Democrat-controlled states are trying to upend our election process and stop Trump at any cost – even at the expense of our republic.

Most legal experts expect the U.S. Supreme Court to end their insane gambit, but even if that happens, voters will have to remain vigilant. 

We’ve seen what desperate Democrats are capable of in their frantic quest for power.

© Peter Lemiska

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