Friday, December 1, 2023



A one world government institution, secretly formed in 1918 and supported by Nazi sympathizer Henry Ford, along with globalists John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, is pushing "executive agreements" as a method to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and Congress to implement globalist policies that violate U.S. law and the will of the people.

For the last two years, the Biden administration has been working overtime to use that same devious method to put America under the United Nations.

Unless we can raise a huge outcry NOW and demand Congress vote YES on HR 1425 and S 444, the U.N. and its subsidiaries will dictate and control America's entire health care system, border policies, right to travel, and more, including giving them the ability to censor OUR speech. 

And the U.S. Supreme Court won’t be able to stop them. I'll discuss more below. — Mat

Send your urgent fax now! Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 1425 & S 444.


In 1918, a group of the world's wealthiest men met secretly in New York City. 

Believing themselves to be smarter than world leaders, they created an organization powerful enough to impose their one world order scheme on the U.S. government. 

They named it the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

In 1950, James Warburg, a son of one of the CFR founders, told the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it — by conquest or consent."

But what was once done in the shadows is now done in the open. 

And Joe Biden is following the CFR’s preferred tactic for undermining our elected representatives to force America under the U.N. and international law.

Don't let Biden put America’s laws under U.N. control!

In 2016, presidential candidate and former First Lady Hillary Clinton told a CFR gathering that "I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. 

I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. 

We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won't have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future." (emphasis added)

According to a bulletin buried on the CFR website, presidents can "avoid treaties that need Congressional approval" and instead enact their agendas through "executive agreements ... which are essentially international treaties without Congressional approval."

Using executive agreements "gives the President even more control over U.S. foreign policy ... helping them get around the domestic factors that might otherwise complicate their decisions and constrain their options."

In other words, if a president wants to violate the U.S. Constitution (according to the CFR), call the "treaty" an "executive agreement."

Now Joe Biden wants to use this trick to force America into the United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty. 

Stop him with your faxes to Congress now!

This tactic has been taken by several administrations. 

In 2016, Barack Obama unilaterally signed America on to the Paris (Climate) Accord.

Other examples of treaties dressed in executive agreement clothing are the 1992, under George H.W. Bush, the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change was ratified by the Senate. 

In 1997, Bill Clinton could not get the Senate to go along with Al Gore's "climate change" agenda, so he utilized the CFR tactic to unilaterally sign America on to the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. 

Then in 2016, Barack Obama unilaterally signed America on to the Paris (Climate) Accord.

Other examples of treaties dressed in executive agreement clothing are the 1992 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the "agreement" that put America under the thumb of the World Trade Organization.

BOTH of those situations later came back to bite Americans.

The U.S. Supreme Court has been mixed in its views of executive agreements. 

The Court, in the 1942 case United States v. Pink, held that international executive agreements validly made have the same legal status as treaties and do not require Senate approval.

However, in Reid v. Covert (1957), the High Court agreed that presidents held the ability to enter into executive agreements, but also stated that such agreements cannot contradict existing federal law or the Constitution.

That ruling sounds like we should be protected; however, the reality is starkly different. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court has no bearing, influence, or protection against international law.

For example, in 2002, Congress passed the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law to protect American consumers, requiring meat sold in the United States to list the country of origin.

In 2008, Canada and Mexico sued the United States in the World Trade Organization’s Appellate Panel (a world court) for violating the NAFTA agreement. The WTO world court ruled that the U.S. law violated the international law created by NAFTA.

As a result, the U.S. was slapped with 1 billion dollars in sanctions until Congress changed the law to comply with the "executive agreement," aka treaty, Clinton had signed without congressional approval.

On December 18, 2015, Congress was forced to repeal our labeling law and replace it with the NAFTA/WTO requirements.

Joe Biden can't get his one world order WHO plans approved by Congress. 

So now Biden is attempting to use the CFR's "executive agreement" trick to bind every American under international law.

But two bills in Congress can STOP Biden, the CFR, and the globalists' "one world order" plans. 

Please, take a moment right now to fax Congress and demand they VOTE YES on HR 1425 and S 444.

Also, please help advance our crucially important legal work. Liberty Counsel never charges our clients, as few could afford to fight a government gone mad. Instead, they rely on friends like YOU, a generous Liberty Counsel supporter, to ensure America’s precious liberties remain secure.

We are preparing a critical brief urging the Supreme Court to stop the Biden administration from forcing social media platforms to censor speech.

Every donation made today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a special Challenge Grant.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


P.S. Please consider funding our important legal work defending life, religious liberty, and the natural family. Every donation today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a special Challenge Grant. Please, give generously today!

P.P.S. Don't forget! DEMAND Congress VOTE YES on HR 1425 and S 444! And please sign our petition.


Buxbaum, Peter. "WTO Finds against U.S. COOL Labeling Rules." Global Trade Magazine, December 15, 2015.

"Council on Foreign Relations." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. October 20, 2018.

‌"Executive Agreement." 2021. Wikipedia. January 11, 2021.

"Hillary Clinton Admits the CFR Gives the Orders." YouTube: Freethinker2012. Accessed November 30, 2023.

"Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling (US)." Wikipedia, May 15, 2022.

"North American Free Trade Agreement." Wikipedia, December 22, 2018.

"North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)." Office of the United States Trade Representative. Accessed March 8, 2023.

"Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Protect American Sovereignty against World Health Organization." U.S. Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio. Accessed March 7, 2023.

Tiffany, Rep. Thomas. "H.R.1425 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act." United States Library of Congress. Accessed November 27, 2023.

"Tiffany: W.H.O. Pandemic Policy Would Undermine Our Sovereignty." Congressman Tom Tiffany, April 4, 2023.

“Why the Kyoto Protocol Failed and How U.S. Presidents Make Treaties Today.” Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed November 30, 2023.


‌‌Zuraw, Lydia. "WTO Rejects U.S. Appeal of COOL Ruling." Food Safety News, May 18, 2015.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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