Saturday, December 30, 2023

Speak The Truth

Toni M. Babcock

“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light. What you hear in a whisper, proclaim on the housetops.” (Matthew 10:27 CSB)

The question becomes for us then, what were Christ’s followers being told to speak? 
We know it wasn’t ‘their truth’ Jesus told them to speak. 
Man’s truth may be contaminated by error. 
If anyone was aware of this reality, Jesus certainly was. 
So, contrary to encouraging the disciples ‘to speak their truth’, Jesus is clearly commanding them to speak His truth, and speak it boldly.
In fact, you’ll not find one of the apostles or followers of Jesus ever defending ‘their truth’ as if they’d derived it from a stew of diverse ideas developed over time from which they could pick and choose from. 
No, truth was not something they formulated for themselves. They heard Jesus’ truth, and believed it when He said, 

“…I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 CSB).
Now, Jesus was well aware there would be those among the multitudes who would be offended by His ‘narrow exclusivity’ – yet He remained bold and confident in who He was and courageously unapologetic.
In like manner, Jesus’ word teaches us not to be afraid to speak His truth in a world of opposition. 
Of course, we need to be wise, and we need to be courteous; we need to be kind, and we need to speak the truth in love. 
But we have nothing to apologize for — neither should we be ashamed of Christ’s words when they don’t square with a contrary worldview.
Jesus is the Word and the Word will prevail in the end — we must stay true to Him (cf. John 1:1-5 CSB).

Lord, help us this day and every day, speak the truth in love as we trust in You – Amen.

Toni is the author of The Stone Writer, Christian fiction for Young Readers and Teens, and Reflections from the Heart, in Light of the Gospel of Jesus. Contact

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