Monday, November 27, 2023

School Fires White Christian Principal, Now All Hell Breaks Loose

Educator accused of 'implicit bias, and failure to promote safety and equity'

A federal judge has advanced a lawsuit against a school in Weld County, Colorado, by a principal who was dismissed in an apparent case of religion-based retaliation.

The decision means former principal Brian Littlefield now can pursue his charges against the district and its former superintendent, Leslie Arnold, according to a report in The Lobby.

Littlefield charges that his 2021 termination from Roosevelt High School was prompted by discrimination – and a targeted campaign – by schoo0l officials.

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"He claims that his status as a Christian and a white man played a role in the decision to fire him." the report said.

The ruling came from District Judge Philip Brimmer, who said Littlefield's allegations raised sufficient evidence about Arnold's actions.

"After Littlefield spoke to a Christian student group, Arnold amended his previously satisfactory performance evaluation [about Littlefield] to include negative remarks, including accusations of insubordination, implicit bias, and failure to promote safety and equity," the report said.

Littlefield also charged during a meeting with Arnold and assistant superintendent Cara Anderson he was scolded over "white privilege."

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The school district, after the controversy erupted, investigated Littlefield and claimed he was at fault, suggesting a demotion.

Littlefield, in his complaint, accuses the district and its officials of discriminating against him based on race, sex, and religion, and he also accused them of retaliation against him for exercising his First Amendment religious rights.

The reaction from the school came shortly after Littlefield spoke to a chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

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