Friday, October 20, 2023

The Way Through Tough Times

Dr. Deepika Emmanuel Sagar

“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10 NIV)

Paul was an apostle who suffered so much in the flesh for the Kingdom of God’s sake. He was also the one to write many of the books of the New Testament. Why was Paul willing to suffer so much? What was his gain?

The book of Acts talks about his ministerial life. It’s amazing to know the depth of spiritual understanding he had, teaching others spiritual facts they never knew! Hold on — he revealed spiritual facts that people were ignorant about? How is that possible? How did he and a handful of other disciples know about us being spiritual beings? Who told them? Perhaps, we all know this.

While in prison, Paul wrote letters of spiritual encouragement to his believing brothers. What did he do in his tough times? He chose to prepare a harvest for the Lord. There was no situation which could stop his yielding to the Spirit. Even while he was being carried away in a ship, sailing to stand trial before Cesar, he encouraged his fellow passengers on board not to be afraid of the storm they encountered, by acknowledging the grace of God (Acts 27:23-24 NIV).

The easiest way to come out of tough times is to be more productive for the Kingdom. The more life tries to pull you down, stand tall for His purposes. This is the easiest way to get delivered out of seemingly difficult situations — yield more to Christ.

Deepika lives in India with her husband and children. Contact

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