Sunday, October 29, 2023

Signorelli Film Premier Wows Audiences, More Screenings Planned


The power of the Holy Spirt did its miraculous work in select movie theaters across the country Tuesday night. The proof is in the Mike Signorelli documentary "The Domino Revival," scheduled to be featured for a one-night-only release.

However, the film received such overwhelming audience response—it grabbed the third spot at the box office with more than $573,000 in gross revenue—that it will return to theaters for an encore performance Monday, Nov. 13.

The groundbreaking film distributed by Fathom Events is a gripping cinematic experience taking viewers on a deep dive into America's spiritual crisis and captures the essence of spiritual hunger at a crucial time in history. The new film took audiences by storm, overwhelming its director, Mike Signorelli, lead pastor at V1Church in New York City.

"I am shaken by the Domino Revival movie," Signorelli says. "I have just watched no less than 200 videos of healings, salvations, whole families getting saved, medically verifiable miracles and suicides being cancelled. I have cried with you. I'm humbled and blown away that God would do something so big through this movie. God is on the move."

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The riveting documentary follows online media sensation Signorelli and his wife, Julie. It also features Isaiah Saldivar, Alexander Pagani, Vlad Savchuk, Jenny Weaver, Ryan Lestrange, Jeremiah Johnson, Mark Driscoll, Jessi Green, Leon Dupreez and others including Jonathan Stamper, detailing the incredible spiritual awakening happening across the country. The movie also addresses some of the trials and tribulations that these incredible leaders face when it comes to the revival of American spirituality.

Exhibitors are gearing up for the new November 13 showing and many have already added the movie to their schedules.

For information and tickets, visit Fathom Events.

To watch the new trailer, click here

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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