Monday, October 30, 2023

Precious Memories


Anne Adams

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.” Psalm 116:15 NIV.

Recently, I was writing a magazine article about a friend of mine and her recent project she and her patriotic organization were working on while they toured a local cemetery cleaning up history — literally. 
They were refurbishing grave markers to make them more readable, and while I was there, I took the opportunity to browse among the gravestones.

One stone caught my eye, and since the lettering was visible, I realized that it marked the grave of a man who had lived his life entirely in the 19th century. 
From the dates I could see he was about 70 when he died, so it seemed he probably lived a long life. 
However, another grave was more poignant since it was for an infant – a little boy who lived just one day. 
Two local persons – probably both with families who grieved their lives and their deaths at that time, and probably no longer. 
Now they were just names carved in stone with no one to mourn them.

Do you have any personal memories of recently deceased loved one? 
Doubtless you do, but how about ancestors you never knew? 
You probably have no memories of them. 
However, at one time they were real people who left memories – to someone... but no longer. 
Now they’re just names carved on a grave marker — forgotten to human memories…

Yet not with God. 
That’s because since His memory is perfect and complete, He can’t forget his saints. 
The Psalmist put it so well when he called those memories precious … valued... costly… treasured …to Him. 
And those memories are from the Lord who not only remembers all His saints but knows them personally. 
But what else would we expect from the Lord with a perfect memory?

For though we may not remember – He does.

Anne lives in Texas and has written for Christian and secular publications. Contact

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