STOP the WHO’s one world order plan!
The globalists are “implementing and operationalizing a global government,” says Michele Bachmann, former presidential candidate turned dean of the Regent University School of Government.
In May of this year, Bachmann attended the WHO meeting in Geneva, and returned with a dire warning for America:
“It won’t be a year from now our lives will be completely upended. Absent a miracle or an intervening hand from the Lord, we’re looking at less than a year at this point of having this full digital passport enforced and actually out in play for everyone in the world.”
Bachmann was right. Just one month after she delivered that warning, much of the world began barreling headlong into what Bachmann calls “digital gulags” designed by the globalist cabal.
Tell Congress: STOP the WHO’s takeover of America!
In June 2023, the European Union issued a press release stating that 80 EU (European Union) countries have ceded their sovereignty to the WHO, giving the United Nations agency full administration and control over Europe’s “digital passport.”
The EU chose not to wait until the WHO’s May 2024 meeting where member countries were to vote on such an overwhelming seizure of countries’ sovereign rights, not the least of which is freedom to travel.
“They aren’t waiting for May of 2024. … They’re going ahead and implementing global government now,” Bachmann says.
It turns out that throughout the three years of the COVID pandemic, the EU was beta testing their digital ID and passport. But the pandemic is over, so why is the United Nations pushing this now? Bachmann says that it’s a clear signal that the globalist cabal intends the United Nations will become the global world government.
From the WHO headquarters in Geneva, the U.N. will determine if you can buy, sell, or travel, just as the book of Revelation warns.
“If you think of the QR code on your phone, that’s what global government looks like,” Bachmann says.
“It’s a QR code with an individual digital identity.”
And with that “individual digital identity,” the WHO will “determine if you are able to buy, sell, move on transportation, in other words, conduct your life.”
If that sounds crazy, consider this.
A businessman recently posted a video of his visit to London.
In need of supplies for his extended stay, the businessman traveled to a local grocery store.
Just inside the store doors was a band of subway-style gates, blocking entrance to the store unless the shopper scanned an official QR code with their digital identification.
If a potential shopper did not have the digital ID, they could not even enter the store, let alone purchase the supplies or food they need.
NO WHO Control of America! Fax Congress NOW!
Unable to shop, the businessman ended his video with a disturbing comment: “This looks to me like the beginning stages of the digital prison that we keep talking about.”
But London isn’t the only place that reduces its citizens to a computer-generated code.
In Denmark, citizens cannot buy anything without a digital ID. “Every purchase has to be verified by digital ID,” Bachmann says.
Bachmann notes that Europe has implemented these digital policies with no permission requested from the people.
There was no informed consent.
The foundations of the digital gulag were simply imposed on the people of Europe overnight with no questions and no permissions, just a press release announcing that the WHO will now administer the movements of the people of Europe.
Bachmann warns that it’s not just our identification the U.N. and WHO want to control.
The plan is to digitize everything to gain the utmost control over every human on the planet.
“Every person has to have a digital ID,” Bachmann says.
From there, she says, digital currency, digital medical records, and digital banking are all built upon that under this globalist plan.
“Our lives will be digitized.”
Bachmann notes that in June, Ethiopia announced it will move forward with combining digital ID and digital currency within a year.
And that South Africa was given 8.5 billion dollars to also implement digital ID and currency.
Bachmann also noted that last November, the foreign minister of Indonesia said the G20 was “on board” with the digital ID plans.
“We can fully expect that we will not be asked permission,” Bachmann says.
“This will just roll out as it’s rolled out across Europe and other parts of the world.
It’s not in a year. It’s starting now.”
Biden wants to enthrone the WHO to implement this digital prison globally.
We must raise our freedom-loving American voices in unison NOW demanding Congress protect America’s precious sovereignty.
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Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
“The Coming Digital Society: Blessing or Curse? – Michele Bachmann.” Understanding the TImes Radio with Jan Markell. Olive Tree Ministries, August 4, 2023. Rumble.com/v34elql-the-coming-digital-society-blessing-or-curse-michele-bachmann.html.
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