by | Sep 12, 2023 | Mario Murillo Ministries, Proof4LA
Two nights in the books and two nights God has shown up and done just what He promised. Lives were forever changed and transformed for His glory.
It was a beautiful night in Los Angeles. The weather cooled down quite a bit from the first night, and tonight there was a fiery red sunset which bathed the Tent in a scarlet glow.
I knew the traffic on the streets and freeways of L.A. would be a challenge for people, but once again the Tent was full of both people and anticipation. The Spirit of the living God was present as the Victory Outreach Worship Team and Choir led us again into the throne room of our Mighty Savior. They were just as anointed tonight as they were last night. Just a choir and an organ — we are getting very spoiled.
Mario took the platform and told the people that tonight would be a supernatural healing night, and that the power of God was going to heal the sick. He told them they needed to allow the Holy Spirit to prepare them to be healed, and led them in a prayer for that purpose.
He began to share about how on September 11, 2001, America suffered the worst act of terror we had known. Mario shared how, on Good Morning America, when Billy Graham’s daughter had been asked such questions as, ‘How could God have allowed us to be attacked and have allowed all those lives to be lost’, and ‘If He is a God of love, how could He allow that?’
Her response was that we had asked God to get out of our schools and our marriages, our laws and courtrooms, our government, our culture, and our music. And that, being a Gentleman, He did.
Mario went on to say that on that day America began a journey of being unprotected. People asked if God is judging us, he said, “No. We are judging ourselves.” Much like how the law of gravity will not respect you if you jump out of a window. In the same way, when spiritual laws are disrespected and violated, there are consequences.
Mario shared that although we were going to see many miraculous healings tonight, we were going to go after the most dangerous illness first. He reminded everyone that they were all going to die eventually. And that, although God can heal you of your disease, one day you will die. Even Lazarus, after he was raised from the dead by Jesus, had still died later on.
The Bible states that after you die, you will stand before God and only those who have been saved by Christ will have everlasting life. Those who have not, will be subject to everlasting separation from God.
You might want to ask God how He, a loving God, could put you in everlasting torment. But it won’t work because God will remind you of that night when you sat under that tent and saw with your own eyes the presence and power of God. How you heard that He had bankrupted Heaven to save you, but you said, No.
Mario talked about how we have witnessed the horrendous consequences of not only our own choices, but also of those who we know and love. He said that sin is the worst disease known to mankind, and that it is the only sickness that continues after death.
He shared how Americans are going back to the Bible, and back to the Truth. How they are going to meetings like this. He said it began on January 2nd when a football player had a heart attack during a game and a few weeks later a group of college kids in Kentucky couldn’t stop singing and praying.
The nation turned its attention to Asbury and four weeks later a film was released called The Jesus Revolution. Not long after that more things began to happen. Woke corporations were being affected as incidents such as Bud Light, Target, and many others made the headlines. Then a film came out called The Sound of Freedom.
Mario said, “God is giving America one last chance.” He then asked, “Why is America on its last chance?” It is because, as the Bible says, “Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12).
Al Gore is wrong. The problem is not global warming – it is moral cooling.
Mario shared the story of when Jesus asked the man who lived among the tombs what his name was, he said, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” Mario asked, ‘Did you notice Jesus never called the man himself, ‘Legion’? because He was not about to use the pronoun the demon wanted to be called by. It’s not what you want to call yourself that matters.’
He then talked about how the Scripture says, ‘In the last days perilous times will come.’ Scripture identified what our modern news fails to identify: the one thing that will make life dangerous, the moral condition of human beings.
Mario asked, “How do you know when a conspiracy theory is not a conspiracy theory? It’s when they censor it.” For example, ‘If I were to declare unicorns were real, it would not be censored, because it’s not true.’
“The threat is the Truth. And the truth is that God wants you to surrender your life to Christ. Because He isn’t just a man, this isn’t just a book, and we aren’t worshipping a dead God.
“The danger is not the gangs, it’s those who go to church and don’t know God at all. The failing is the pastor standing in the pulpit and telling people their beliefs are more important than their condition.
“The Bible does not say to turn away from the atheist or those who are disobedient to parents or blasphemers. It says, “Having a form of godliness but denying its power, from such people turn away.”
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Mario said that by becoming a Christian you did not check your brain at the door. You did not become a Bible-thumping hick. You are not an individual devoid of class, creativity, or individuality. Instead, you receive an upgrade, because you now belong to the Creator.
He said that when the forgiveness of Christ enters your heart you no longer want to sin, no longer want to live a lie, you want to be transparent. And the peace of God that is in you takes away your fear.
Mario once again compelled the people who wanted to be free of a life that is painful and disappointing, people who are tired of the satanic attacks, the weakness, the feeling that something bad is going to happen.
He told them to raise their hands, then to stand, and finally to come forward. And once again they came by the hundreds. Filling that altar with so many souls who were tired of doing things on their own and were now surrendering their life to the One Who promised to give them life, give them peace, give them freedom, and give them love.
It was amazing to once again watch so many come forward and surrender their lives to Christ. It never ceases to bless me.
After he prayed with them, he directed them to go out of the Tent briefly, to be ministered to by the workers and to be prayed for individually.
Then he spoke to the remaining crowd for a short time. He talked about going to the doctor when you are in need, and how when they give you medication for your sickness, very often the side-effects are worse than the reason you were given the pills in the first place – but when Jesus heals you, there are no side effects.
After those who had gone out to be prayed for had returned, there was a very noticeable shift in the atmosphere under the Tent as God began to move and to touch people’s bodies.
Mario called out a woman in the back who was suffering from arthritis in her hands, back, and legs. Then he turned to one side of the Tent and called out a man whom he identified as having had multiple heart attacks who had been born with this condition and who was on a transplant list. His wife was nodding and confirming all that Mario was saying. He added that God was healing the man’s heart. His wife was so overwhelmed.
I know this was a genuine healing and I can’t wait to hear the new doctor’s report and the testimony of that couple!
Mario then called out a man and a woman. The woman was healed in her spine, and healed of neurological pain and dizziness. He had her take a few steps forward and she confirmed all he had said. Then she began to move her body freely and without pain. She was able to move her arms, shoulder, neck, and legs. She was able to move without pain or difficulty.
Next Mario had her lay hands on the man, and he revealed that the man was supposed to have done something big for God, but that he had received a diagnosis of death. And Mario said the expiration date they put on him is now gone.
He said there were so many people being healed it was impossible to name them all. So he had them raise their hands and ask God to heal them. Suddenly a woman screamed out that she had felt the place where she’d had a lump, and that it was now gone!
Mario then had everyone sit down. He then pointed out a man with a heart condition who was being healed, and then revealed there were five men in that same section who also had heart conditions.
Then he highlighted one of the men in particular and revealed he was being healed of other things as well: diabetes, pain in the legs, and neuropathy of the feet. Mario said that the pain in the man’s feet was now gone, and the man began to walk and then run up and down the aisle, free of the pain.
Next he called for every person who was battling cancer to stand to their feet. And people stood up all over the Tent – so many people! He led everyone in a prayer over this healing.
It was such an incredible night and so powerful. I can’t wait to hear all the stories of those who have been healed that will come out of this meeting as people return to their doctors and have these miracles confirmed.
If you haven’t been able to attend I would encourage you to watch the video of the service on Mario’s Facebook page. It will truly encourage you.
Watch it here:
But if you can make it in person, I strongly urge you to do so. There are still two more nights, September 12th and 13th at the Fairplex in Pomona, CA, Gate 17, beginning at 6 PM. Parking is free, and there are plenty of seats.
It will transform your life!
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