Saturday, August 12, 2023


 Today's devotional reading for:

Saturday, Aug 12, 2023


“But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”

— Matthew 5:37

A little boy was once asked in Sunday school to define the noun “lie.” In response, the boy said, “A lie is an abomination to the Lord and a very present help in time of trouble.” We may laugh at this child’s perspective, and yet doesn’t it hit a little close to home? Have you found yourself justifying a lie here and there? Many of us do. But we need to avoid compromising the truth.

We need to cultivate truthfulness in our lives for several reasons. 

First, as Charles Hodges says, truthfulness is the very substratum of deity. By that definition, a being who would lie couldn’t be God but merely a false god or lying idols of the heathen. Truthfulness is the very essence of God’s character. If God lied, we could have no confidence in Him whatsoever.

Second, truthfulness is essential to God’s purpose for humankind. We can never reach God’s full potential for us if we lie. The Scripture tells us that our goal is to become like God and Jesus Christ. Therefore, we must become like Him who cannot lie under any circumstances.

Third, lying destroys the fabric of society. Social harmony depends on a certain amount of trust based on truthfulness. How can there be any trust among us when we justify telling lies?

Can you truthfully say that honesty and integrity are qualities in your life? We need to remember that we will stand before God and be held accountable for every idle word. Therefore, in the words of the psalmist, “Keep your tongue from evil.” Let’s pray that our truthfulness as Christians will shine like a beacon in a world steeped in darkness and lies.

D. James Kennedy Ministries

“White lies are but the ushers to black ones.”
Eleanor Doan

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