Saturday, August 12, 2023

Power In Persecution

Power In Persecution – Jennifer Woodley

“But they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.” John 15:21 (NRSV)

Is the phrase 'The Persecuted Church' familiar? 
We know this to be the believers who live in the most dangerous parts of the world to follow Christ. 
They suffer daily in ways we, in the western world, can hardly begin to imagine.

Yet, these Christians have come to recognize intense suffering and persecution as a gift. 
They know that God uses persecution to strengthen and grow His people. 
Jesus said that in the same way He was persecuted, we will be too, because servants are no greater than their master (John 15:20). Persecution comes as no surprise to God's people.

Ironically, persecution does not hinder the growth of the Kingdom, much to the chagrin of the enemy. 
Persecution scatters Christians and spreads the good news. 
It advances the gospel (Philippians 1:12) and more people get to know Jesus as the Church endures persecution. 
All throughout history, the blood of the persecuted has irrigated the Church, causing it to flourish.

We may not identify with the extreme violence and suffering that many of our brothers and sisters do, but that does not make invalid what persecution we do experience for Christ. 
Let's stand firm, united together, rather than running away in fear. Together, side by side we can depend upon the Spirit of God to give us power and strength to endure. 
Persecution actually brings the power to endure, making us stronger in our faith, and that is a gift worth seeking.

'Father, please make your people strong to endure suffering and persecution in your name. Amen.'

Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their journey with Christ. Contact

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