Thursday, July 6, 2023



In an obvious assault on the High Court, which just last year overturned the genocidal horror of Roe v. Wade, pro-death leftists in Congress have reintroduced the “Equality Act” in the U.S. House as HR 15. 

This bill already has 212 co-sponsors — which includes every Democrat. If only a few Republicans sign on, this bill will pass even over the Speaker’s objections.

HR 15 includes both radical LGBTQ and abortion-up-to-birth provisions. 

If the so-called Equality Act passes, late-term abortions — even gruesome abortions that rip off limbs — will be federally protected.

The tremendous work we have done to end abortion will no longer matter if HR 15 passes. Every state law will be overridden. 

No one, not even religious institutions or doctors, will be allowed to refuse to participate in the murder of the unborn. 

Read on to learn what is in this outrageous bill and how you can stop it. — Mat

Tell Congress: Abortion is NOT an unalienable right! Vote NO on HR 15!


No person, church, school, hospital, doctor, pharmacist — no one — will be able to escape HR 15, the “Equality Act.” 

With a few sheets of hastily written proclamations, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) will be effectively dissolved.

There will be no conscience protection measures. 

No Christian or religious adherent will be safe from the reaches of this deviant and life-ending bill because even our “perceptions” and “beliefs” (using the bill’s own words) will be forced to comply with the radical left’s sterile design for America’s future.

That’s because HR 15, the Equality Act, seeks to undo recent rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court, namely the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade

Instead, under HR 15, abortion will become a federally protected right.

We must Stop the “Equality Act”! Select here to send your fax NOW!

The bill applies to “pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition.” Treatment for pregnancy, in the eyes of abortionists, includes the “right” to kill the child in a mother’s womb. 

Under this horrific bill, which also forces Christians to accept and promote sexual deviancy, every state law will be preempted. 

No parental notice, consent, or informed consent — no restrictions whatsoever — on abortion from conception to birth.

ALL hospitals, medical providers, pharmacists, employers, and insurance companies will be forced to participate in chemical and surgical abortions whether they want to or not. 

And YOUR tax dollars will pay for it, because under HR 15, abortion will be federally funded.

Under the Equality Act, health insurance offered by churches, religious schools, and employers must cover abortion. No one can refuse because the Equality Act revokes the Religious Freedom Restoration Act!

Don’t let YOUR hard-earned dollars be spent on the butchering of children. Fax Congress now!

Remember Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters of the Poor who objected to abortion-inducing drugs and devices? 

They won under RFRA. They will not win under the Equality Act.

Before this bill, every time sex discrimination was written into law, abortion was excluded. 

Not so under the Equality Act, which will preempt every state law. 

Any and all abortion restrictions will be erased if this bill passes.

Without question, this bill will force crisis pregnancy centers to refer women for abortion. 

This is what California tried to do a few years ago. 

But we dragged then-CA Attorney General Xavier Becerra (now Biden’s secretary of Health and Human Services) to the Supreme Court — and won. 

But if the Equality Act passes, these bloodthirsty extremists will once again force crisis pregnancy centers to refer women to killing machines.

Wait, it gets worse …

Because the Equality Act applies to “perceptions” and “beliefs” and is not limited to a “physical facility or place,” it will also apply online and even to your own personal posts on websites, emails, social media, and more. 

If HR 15 passes, YOU will be censored and punished for daring to defend the unborn even in social media posts.

Under this bill, a child in the womb has no rights — and neither do parents, spouses, health care providers, or pharmacists. 

There is NOTHING EQUAL about eliminating a helpless life and revoking the religious freedom of all.

We can stop the Equality Act from making abortion a federal right. 

Say “NO — I will not be forced to accept and promote abortion!”

VOTE NO on the “Equality Act”!

While we are fighting this dangerous bill, we continue to defend life and religious freedom in courtrooms across America and before the U.S. Supreme Court. 

We scored four huge wins on cases we argued or briefed before the High Court last year, and another two cases before the High Court this year — and we aren’t finished winning yet!

YOU can be part of the victory with your generous gift to our legal fund today. A special Challenge Grant will DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT. Your gift will impact millions of lives.

Pray for America and for our children — born and unborn.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


P.S. Don’t forget! The Challenge Grant will DOUBLE the impact of every donation made today. Please give generously so that religious freedom remains free!

P.P.S. Fax Congress Now! Demand they VOTE NO on the EQUALITY ACT! Also, please sign our petition.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.


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