Wednesday, June 21, 2023



“When the Foundations are being Destroyed,

What can the Righteous do?”

(Psalm 11:3, NIV)

America was Founded on Faith in God and His Word.

This was the basis for the U.S. Constitution

And the Bill of Rights.

Today, this Foundation is being Destroyed

By the Democrats and the Left.

Today, the Democrats and the Left

Call what is Good, Evil and what is Evil, Good.

They do whatever is right in their own eyes

And ignore God and His Word.

“There is a way that seems right to a man,

But in the End it leads to Death.”

(Proverbs 14:12, NIV)

Today, under the leadership of the Democrats and the Left,

America is on a Death March.

Listen to the Prophet Isaiah speak of a Debauched Israel:

“For our Offenses are many in Your sight,

And our Sins Testify against us.

Our Offenses are ever with us,

And we acknowledge our Iniquities:

Rebellion and Treachery against the Lord,

Turning our backs on our God,

Fomenting Oppression and Revolt

Uttering Lies our hearts have conceived.

So Justice is Driven Back,

And Righteousness Stands at a Distance:

Truth has Stumbled in the streets

Honesty cannot enter.

Truth is no where to be found,

And whoever Shuns Evil becomes Prey.”

(Isaiah 59:12-15)

This is the America we are living in today.

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