Saturday, June 24, 2023

Satan's Nightmare: Christian 'Great Awakening' Exploding in Iran



Christianity is illegal in Iran. Yet, despite facing imprisonment, torture and execution, millions of Iranians are forsaking the Muslim faith and converting to Christianity.

According to Open Doors International, there are more than 1.2 million believers residing within reach of the brutal Islamic Iranian regime.

This phenomenon is happening despite the regime's efforts to target believers and spread false information and encourage a negative opinion about Christianity.

Lela Gilbert, senior fellow for international religious freedom at Family Research Council, suggests that Iran holds little power over curtailing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

"In my research and interviews, it has become clear that new Christians' witness to others is mostly shared in quiet conversations, encouraged by low-profile online Bible studies and affirmed by visions, dreams and miraculously answered prayers," she explained.

"Due to their risky circumstances, recent Christian converts are enthusiastically communicating about their changed lives with friends and loved ones—but quietly and carefully. However, their discreet but persistent witness accounts for the extraordinary number of new Iranian believers, who meet in small house churches," Gilbert continued.

"Those involved with the 'house church' movement in Iran are convinced that there are likely several million Christian believers there," she added.

Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum, also reports Christianity is flourishing.

"An evangelical pastor, formerly an Iranian Muslim, concurred as far back as 2008: 'We find ourselves facing what is more than a conversion to the Christian faith. It's a mass exodus from Islam'," he explained in "Newsweek" a few years ago.

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