Tuesday, June 13, 2023



For the last two years, the Biden administration has made multiple attempts to eliminate our precious First Amendment free speech rights. Unable to con the courts into stripping us of our First Amendment liberties, Biden is now trying to make the United Nations our speech police overseer. 

But Congress CAN stop him if we make enough noise.

Please take a moment to FAX CONGRESS NOW, demanding they STOP Biden’s WHO New World Order. Then read on for the news. — Mat


As I have written you over the last two years, Joe Biden seems obcessed with erasing First Amendment freedom of speech rights – at least for those with whom he disagrees.

During COVID, the Biden administration paid news and social media outlets to censor COVID information. 

As a result, data-driven, peer-reviewed scientific studies were censored as “false news.” 

Average citizens and scientific professionals alike who shared such information were branded as crackpots and “disinformation spreaders.”

For what it’s worth, even Mark Zuckerberg now admits he received “debatable” or even “false” information from the “scientific establishment.” 

That doesn’t excuse his censorship. 

Facebook was one of the biggest recipients of Biden’s paid lying scheme. The results of lying harmed, even killed, people.

As Zuckerberg now admits, as he must, much of that banned information — like the inefficiency of masks, the dangers of the shots, and so-called “alternative” treatment protocols — were later proven to be correct.


STOP the U.N. Speech Police!

Biden’s appointment of a “Disinformation Czar” was roundly ridiculed. 

His payments to media outlets were exposed. 

Biden and his speech-policing ways seemed to be held at bay. 

But the globalist in the White House has an ace up his sleeve — the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO).

Last month, the WHO spent its 76th annual World Health Assembly focused on how it can and should censor and control everyone. 

The new “Pandemic Treaty” and new proposed amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) seek to put the WHO in charge of free speech for the entire world by giving WHO the final authority on dictating just what is or is not “fake news.”

History, even recent history, shows this is a very bad idea. 

Just take a look at how the director-general of the WHO used such power in his own nation.

Before being elevated to the top position at the United Nations’ WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus served as Ethiopia’s minister of health and later the poverty-ridden country’s minister of foreign affairs. From the beginning of Tedros’ government career in 1986, he was a member of and served the violent Marxist Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

Under Tedros’ leadership, TPLF launched a massive crackdown on the Ethiopian media.

Under his guidance, the TPLF criminalized criticism of the government and its policies. 

Journalists were regularly arrested, charged with “defamation,” and levied steep fines and three-year prison sentences for publishing truths the Tedros/TPLF regime wanted to hide. 

For years now, Ethiopian journalists have been systematically abused.

But one didn’t even need to be an Ethiopian journalist to ignite Tedros’ ire. 

He tried to get the nation of Yemen to hand over journalists critical to the TPLF regime so that those journalists could be prosecuted and imprisoned in Ethiopian prisons — even if what they had written was true!

Now Biden is pushing the 307 amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) and a new Pandemic Treaty to give the WHO global power – including the power to censor.

Congress must stop Biden and the WHO before it’s too late.


STOP Biden’s plan to put the U.N. WHO in charge of YOU!

In 2015, the Committee to Protect Journalists ranked Ethiopia, Tedros’ home country, fourth in the world as one of the Most Censored Countries because of the consistent jailing of journalists.

Reports claim that Tedros personally led this retribution effort into other nations as well, hoping to punish and silence any media outlet or reporter who would dare question the regime.

In plain language, the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR Amendments seek to put Tedros in control of all “misinformation” for all members of the WHO — and that includes us here in the U.S.

The WHO is debating giving itself the ability to censor “misinformation” and “disinformation.” 

It could have “[l]everage of communication channels to communicate the risk, countering misinformation and dis-information.”

If Tedros had been given this power three years ago, Liberty Counsel’s writers and researchers might already be in prison.

Liberty Counsel has spent the last 34 years defending life, religious liberty, and the natural family. 

We have spent the last three years ensuring that the truth about COVID, pandemics, and Joe Biden’s New World Order plans reach the eyes and ears of the public.

But if Joe Biden signs the Pandemic Treaty, we and other truth-tellers will be subject to a world court completely disconnected from our U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and laws governing speech. 

We would be subject to Marxist tyranny.

We must not let it get that far. 

Please, stand with us now and DEMAND Congress put an immediate STOP to Joe Biden’s WHO New World Order plans.

Finally, Liberty Counsel continues to fight for our American values and religious freedom rights in courtrooms across the nation, as well as before the U.S. Supreme Court, where we won all four cases we argued or briefed last year.

Please, help us continue defending life, liberty, and the natural family with your generous gift today, which will be DOUBLED in impact by a Challenge Grant.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Want to do more? Please also sign our petition.

P.S. Make a recurring monthly donation and let the Challenge Grant DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR REGULAR GIFTS!


Faria, Zachary. “Biden Calls for More Censorship ahead of the 2024 Election.” Washington Examiner via MSN, June 7, 2023. Msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-calls-for-more-censorship-ahead-of-the-2024-election/ar-AA1cgf9V.

“Informal List of Intergovernmental Meetings.” World Health Organization. Accessed June 12, 2023. Apps.who.int/gb/gov/en/intergovernmental-meeting_en.html.

“Intergovernmental Negotiating Body.” World Health Organization. Accessed June 12, 2023. Apps.who.int/gb/inb/e/e_inb-3.html.

Porteous, Tom. “Ethiopia: the Aid-Politics Trap.” Human Rights Watch, November 23, 2010. Hrw.org/news/2010/11/23/ethiopia-aid-politics-trap.

Roguski, James. “NEW Unedited Draft ‘Bureau’s Text’ of the Proposed ‘Pandemic Treaty.’” James Roguski, May 24, 2023. Jamesroguski.substack.com/p/new-unedited-draft-bureaus-text-of.

“WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: COVID ‘Savior’ or War Criminal?” Liberty Counsel Action, June 21, 2022. Lcaction.org/detail/0621-who-directorgeneral-tedros.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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