Wednesday, June 14, 2023



Newly released documents show that the Biden administration spied on Americans during COVID, illegally tracking and tracing phones to identify all who refused to obey his illegal mandates. 

Now Biden has a new plan to spy on innocent Americans by handing such powers over to the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO).

Don’t let this warning fall on deaf ears again. 

Please help us alert Congress and compel them to STOP JOE BIDEN’s plan to put all of America under United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) control. 

Then read on for the news. — Mat

Take a Stand for our Sovereignty!


Three years ago, as we were just entering the COVID pandemic, I warned, “The CDC is already advocating for a comprehensive national database of health records and perhaps even your cell phone activity. 

Data like this is a top priority of government leaders, including at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

At that time, Congress refused to act to stop Biden’s gross intrusion into our lives. 

Many just did not believe any administration would go so far as to so egregiously violate our rights. 

But they were wrong. Now we are beginning to see the extent of this violation.

The same man in the White House who did this despite our constitutional protections, now wants to expand this power to the WHO and place it beyond reach of the American courts. 

That’s why Joe Biden is so anxious to place America under the one world government controlled by the WHO.

Make no mistake, Biden will not stop unless we stop him. 

We must wake up Congress to do their job. 

The U.S. House can defund the WHO, must hold hearings and investigate the 307 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Pandemic Treaty. And the Senate must demand a vote.

Don’t let the U.N. spy on YOU!

Fast-forward to today, and thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, we discover that our government had, in fact, tracked and traced millions of cell phones of law-abiding Americans without our knowledge and consent.

Biden’s CDC didn’t bother to get a warrant. 

It’s unlikely that any judge would give the executive branch blanket authority to spy on tens of millions of people. 

Biden simply found another way.

The Biden administration paid a company financed by the former head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence agency, Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, to track and trace Americans’ cell phones, movements, and associated data throughout the pandemic.

That data was used to discover all the people who refused to obey unlawful stay-home orders. 

The Biden administration put a special emphasis on tracing and tracking people who insisted on attending church. 

The administration also paid close attention to pharmacy visits

It is unclear at this time if the administration also demanded to know what prescriptions people purchased during those pharmacy visits. 

But there is so much more.

“The CDC seems to have purposefully created an open-ended list of use cases,” says Zach Edwards, a cybersecurity researcher who has reviewed the just-released documents. 

That data “included monitoring curfews, neighbor to neighbor visits, visits to churches, schools and pharmacies.”

Now that the administration has been (once again) caught red handed in violating our rights, Biden now seeks to simply eliminate those rights by making the United Nations and its affiliated agencies, like the World Health Organization (WHO), the ultimate arbiter of rights.

NO Global Government SPY programs!

Since at least last year, the Biden administration has been pushing the WHO to adopt over 100 new International Health Regulations (IHR) and to adopt a binding new treaty that puts the UN’s WHO in charge of everything from our borders, our movements, the medications we are allowed to take and those we are forbidden from using.

These documents also give the UN’s WHO the ability to dictate how we use our own land, whether we are allowed to own guns or gas-powered cars, or even if we are allowed to eat meat. 

If Joe Biden signs this agreement, the UN’s WHO will have the power to close our national, state, and even city borders.

And the WHO will be granted the specific authority, with the force of international law, to track and trace YOUR cell phone — and your every move.

I cannot emphasize this strongly enough. 

The proposed IHR amendments and treaty will change the UN’s WHO from an advisory body into a legally binding global authority, whose laws supersede the laws of any member nation.

Americans were NEVER meant to be spied on by our government. In fact, unlawful searches and seizures were a primary reason why the colonists overthrew the British crown and wrote the Fourth Amendment.

But that amendment and the rest of our precious U.S. Constitution will be nothing more than an ancient piece of worn-out paper if Congress allows Joe Biden to sign the WHO treaty and IHR amendments.

Don’t let Congress fall asleep at the wheel again! 

We have already lost too many of our rights in their slumber. 

Please stand with me NOW and demand Congress STOP Joe Biden’s One World Order plan!

Finally, Liberty Counsel continues to fight for our American values and religious freedom rights in courtrooms across the nation, as well as before the U.S. Supreme Court, where we won all four of the cases we argued or briefed last year. 

Please, help us continue defending life, religious freedom, and the natural family with your kind gift today, which will be DOUBLED by a generous Challenge Grant.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

*Name changed for privacy.


Cox, Joseph. “CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders.” Vice, May 3, 2022.

Griffith, Keith. “CDC Used Location Data to Track Lockdown Compliance.” Daily Mail, May 3, 2022.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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