Monday, June 12, 2023

A Woman's TRUE Power


The mask of “choice” has been removed. 

One nation’s leading abortionist candidly stated that a woman’s power is found in her ability to end the lives of her own children. 

This same woman claims babies are “aggressors” impeding a woman’s ability to live a life unencumbered by responsibility.

Liberty Counsel is unveiling the evil of abortion in our case defending Sandra Merritt, the brave whistleblower who exposed Planned Parenthood’s crimes. 

Sandra exposed unspeakable evil in her undercover videos, but not a single Planned Parenthood doctor or executive went to jail. 

Instead, Sandra is facing years in prison and a multimillion-dollar judgment.

Liberty Counsel has requested that the U.S. Supreme Court take up Sandra’s case. 

We need YOUR HELP to defend this brave grandmother. 

Please, give generously today and read on for the news. — Mat

DEFEND SANDRA MERRITT & have YOUR IMPACT DOUBLED by a special Challenge Grant.


When Sandra Merritt, the grandmother turned undercover journalist, exposed Planned Parenthood’s gruesome illegal “Baby Parts for Sale” scheme, she never dreamed SHE would face the threat of prison and crushing fines.

Sandra is the first journalist in California history to be prosecuted for her undercover work exposing a corporation’s crimes.

Liberty Counsel has been defending Sandra against Planned Parenthood’s 16-million-dollar civil lawsuit against her, as well as the criminal charges and a multiyear prison sentence the State of California is prosecuting against this brave pro-life grandmother.

Throughout our representation of Sandra, Liberty Counsel has unveiled even more horror from the gristmills of the abortion industry.

Don’t let the State of California HIDE the truth about abortion!

In our case defending a pro-life sidewalk counselor in New York, Merle Hoffman, president and CEO of Choices Women’s Medical Center in Queens, New York, gave shocking testimony under oath. 

She said the “act of abortion positions women at their most powerful” because abortion gives women “power — and the responsibility — of taking life” to control their own lives. 

Hoffman believes killing helpless children empowers women by enabling them to achieve their selfish goals.

In Hoffman’s memoir, Intimate Wars: The Life and Times of the Woman Who Brought Abortion from the Back Alley to the Boardroom, she shares the experience of her own abortion. 

“As we crossed the Fifty-Ninth Street Bridge, I held my stomach and said aloud, ‘Sorry little one, it’s just not time.’ 

My diary entry from that night reads, ‘For one night I am a mother.’”

The humanity she recognizes, and then simply discards, is horrifying. 

Hoffman states a baby is merely an “unjust aggressor, threatening the survival of the mother” and that babies impede “a woman’s tendency to maintain her own existence.” 

She asks, “Is not a woman’s choice of abortion an act of self-defense?

This abortionist states, “I quickly came to realize that those who deliver abortion services have … the power — and the responsibility — of taking life. … The act of abortion positions women at their most powerful.”

Hoffman’s worldview is so evil it’s almost hard to contemplate. But like Satan, the father of lies, Hoffman has taken a truth and reversed it, taking what was meant for good and distorting it into evil.

Our Father in heaven DID give women great power — the power to bring forth LIFE. 

But women are not simply “birthers” as some evil camps would claim. Rather, God gave women power to raise, nurture, and educate their offspring, ensuring the survival of future generations and all of humanity. 

In God’s design, WOMEN ensure the survival of humanity.

Take a stand for LIFE — Defend Sandra Merritt!

Yet instead of celebrating the miracle of creation, the evil ones seek to destroy it ... by destroying those future generations before they even leave the womb.

This horrific worldview can no longer be hidden. 

The copyrights have expired on Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s blatantly racist, eugenic and genocidal writings; the international murder factories she created can no longer hide her evil words.

Ultrasounds have destroyed the abortionist’s lie that unborn babies are simply a blob of tissue, unable to feel the pain of limbs being ripped from their tiny bodies.

And our client Sandra Merritt exposed not only Planned Parenthood’s almost unbelievable “Baby Parts for Sale” trade, but also the unlawful and immoral ways Planned Parenthood abortionists “earn” more money endangering mother’s lives and dissecting living, breathing babies just to garner higher profits.

Not a single Planned Parenthood doctor or executive went to jail for what Sandra Merritt exposed. 

Instead, SANDRA is facing years in prison and a multimillion-dollar lawsuit for reporting Planned Parenthood’s brutal practice.

We’re defending Sandra in both the 16-million-dollar Planned Parenthood civil suit against her, as well as the first-ever criminal case brought by California (under the initiation of Kamala Harris and Xavier Becerra when they were attorneys general for the state).

We’ve petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to review Sandra’s case. Please, join me in praying for justice — not only for this brave grandmother turned whistleblower, but also for all of the children butchered for the abortion industry’s power and profits.

Sandra’s case has been the most expensive case in Liberty Counsel history. 


Liberty Counsel never charges for our legal services. Instead, our clients and plaintiffs rely on YOU, the faithful Liberty Counsel supporter, to ensure justice is done and religious freedom remains free. 

Please, give generously TODAY and a special Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your donation.

We need YOUR HELP to keep fighting for America’s unborn children. Please contribute to our legal fund today and have YOUR IMPACT DOUBLED through a generous Challenge Grant.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Want to do more? Fax Your State Legislature and demand they protect the unborn and their parents from the horrors of abortion. Also, sign our petition.

P.S. Make a recurring monthly donation and let the Challenge Grant DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR REGULAR GIFTS!


“NY Abortionist – ‘Taking Life’ Empowers Women.” Liberty Counsel, February 16, 2018.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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