Tuesday, May 23, 2023



The World Health Organization (WHO) is meeting right now hoping to seize American sovereignty, as well as the sovereignty of all the other 193 member states. 

If successful, this initiative will place the health decisions of 99.94% of the world population under the control of an unelected, unaccountable foreign governing body run by the United Nations.

Joe Biden wants to sign our constitutional rights over to the United Nations. 

We must rouse Congress to stop him.

One bill pending in Congress, HR 79, will require the U.S. to pull out of the WHO and will prevent the use of any federal dollars from being spent on the WHO. 

The U.S. House holds the purse strings and can defund the WHO if the Senate does not stop Biden. Read on. — Mat

Demand Congress STOP Biden from giving WHO control over America. Pass HR 79 and stop the WHO.


The World Health Organization is meeting this week to vote on a treaty that will put the United Nations’ agency in charge of all American health decisions. 

The broad definition of “health” applies to almost anything.

One of the measures up for debate is giving the WHO the power to control what medications you are allowed to take, which medications will be banned, and which medications and treatments you will be forced to take.

Don’t let the WHO takeover YOUR health care!

During the pandemic, untold millions of people found relief from COVID using ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and nutraceuticals. But as we saw, politicians, bureaucrats and pharmaceutical giants collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the WHO to prevent the sale of these items in many areas even though these products had a proven track record of defeating COVID.

Liberty Counsel intervened on behalf of many families so they could receive the treatment of their choice or to release them from the hospital so they could receive appropriate healing treatments elsewhere.

And we know firsthand, these so-called “alternative” drugs literally saved many lives.

But if Joe Biden had his way, the WHO would have prevented people from receiving these lifesaving “alternative” medicines.

Another example is the number of COVID patients who were put on ventilators against their own or their family’s wishes. 

At the time, anecdotal evidence suggested COVID patients on ventilators had poorer outcomes. 

Yet hospitals citing CDC and the WHO information refused to remove ventilators without legal intervention.

Fast-forward two years and now evidence shows it was the ventilators that killed many COVID patients. 

In a study published earlier this month by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, researchers reported that nearly half of COVID patients died when they were put on ventilators due to the breathing devices causing bacterial pneumonia.

"Our data suggested that the mortality related to the virus itself is relatively low, but other things that happen during the ICU stay, like secondary bacterial pneumonia, offset that,” said Dr. Benjamin Singer, an associate professor of medicine at Northwestern.

In other words, nearly half of the people who trusted the WHO and the CDC regarding ventilators wound up dead.

Demand Congress STOP Biden from giving WHO control over America and our health care.

Yet another example is this continuing push to force every American to be injected with a drug that skipped the 7-10 years of safety testing. 

We now know from the U.S. government’s own vaccine injury reporting system that the COVID jabs have injured a staggering 1,558,670 Americans. 

That is more than ALL other vaccines COMBINED since VAERS began publishing 33 years ago.

But even as the shot injuries began rolling in, despite all the strokes, heart attacks, Bell’s Palsy, and paralysis reports, Joe Biden, the CDC, and the WHO continued to try to coerce everyone to take this dangerous shot.

If Joe Biden signs the WHO agreement, the shot and all the other ill-fated COVID treatments will become mandatory under international law at the whim of the WHO — a Marxist-run organization.

As Americans, we deserve the chance to make our own health decisions without an unelected globalist body dictating them to us.

As I said above, the WHO is meeting this week. Fax Congress now to demand they STOP JOE BIDEN from putting the WHO in full control of YOUR health.

Please also prayerfully consider funding our important legal work defending life, religious freedom, and God’s design for the family. Our work is truly saving lives, and we are only able to do this because of YOU, the generous Liberty Counsel supporter.

I will update you on one of our cases that we will be filing at the U.S. Supreme Court. In the meantime, please prayerfully consider making a recurring monthly donation to our legal defense fund. Every donation will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a generous Challenge Grant. Please, help us help them today.

Support Liberty Counsel’s lifesaving work TODAY.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT with our Challenge Grant.

P.P.S. Want to do more? Fax state and federal legislators to demand they STOP THE SHOT MANDATES! And sign the petition.


“Ivermectin.” National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Accessed February 28, 2023. Covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/miscellaneous-drugs/ivermectin/.

Northwestern University. “What Really Killed COVID-19 Patients: It Wasn’t a Cytokine Storm, Suggests Study.” Medical Xpress, May 4, 2023. Medicalxpress.com/news/2023-05-covid-patients-wasnt-cytokine-storm.html.

The OpenVAERS Project. Openvaers.com/covid-data. ;

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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