Saturday, May 20, 2023

Blue state stung with $300,000 bill for trying to force religious doctors to kill patients

 Court fight over coercing physicians to offer assisted suicide ends

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(Image courtesy Pexels)

(Image courtesy Pexels)

Taxpayers in the state of California are being stung with a $300,000 bill for their elected officials attempts to coerce religious doctors to help kill patients.

The bill comes from a court fight over the state's attempt to order physicians to offer assisted suicide.

"Our clients seek to live out their faith in their medical practice, and that includes valuing every human life entrusted to their care. Participating in physician-assisted suicide very clearly would violate their consciences," said Kevin Theriot, a lawyer for the ADF, which worked on the case.

"This is a significant victory for religious and conscientious physicians in California. The government can’t force any health care professional to act against his faith or medical ethics."

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As part of the resolution of the case, California has agreed not to enforce "any criminal or civil punishment, including professional discipline or licensing sanction for a California-licensed physician’s refusal or failure to" document a request, refer, or assist a patient in any way with ending his life, the ADF reported.

The state had tried to require religious medical professionals to participate in assisted suicide programs for patients in violation of their religious convictions.

The state now has agreed to settle a lawsuit brought on behalf of a doctor and the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.

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The $300,000 is what the state agreed to pay toward attorneys' fees and costs in the case.

It had been filed in early 2022 after California lawmakers adopted a law "that required doctors to participate in physician-assisted suicide against their religious convictions and professional ethics."

While the state has allowed physician-assisted suicide since 2015, it was more recently that lawmakers decided to "force conscientious physicians to participate in the process."

The settlement came after a federal judge decided the law probably violated the First Amendment rights of religious medical professionals.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although millions of American parents send their precious children off to public school every day, imagining their kids’ days will be filled with reading, writing, arithmetic, science, history, sports and music, they’re not only in for a shock – but for total BETRAYAL. Today’s “public” (government) schools have become far-left ideological, political and religious indoctrination centers aimed at reprogramming and transforming America’s children.

Kids are being taught to HATE their own country and to see themselves and their parents as racists – or victims of racists. They are sexualized and corrupted, and many are groomed into the dark LGBT world, with almost 6,000 schools prohibiting parents from even hearing about their child’s transgender “transition.” In between all the far-left indoctrination and sexual corruption, teachers take time to scare children to death about the near-term end of life on earth due to “catastrophic climate change.” Another lie. But it’s all classic Marxism/communism, with even the “3 R’s” – reading, writing and arithmetic – now being corrupted with “woke,” “1984”-style madness.

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