Tuesday, April 11, 2023




Hi Friend, 

If you’ve ever watched a romantic movie, you know the basic storyline: Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. There’s a misunderstanding and conflict. The misunderstanding gets sorted and the conflict gets resolved. A quirky friend intersperses a bit of comedy throughout. And then the final scene, of course, is a beautiful wedding ceremony… “The End.”

Our culture would have you believe that the wedding, not the marriage, is the endgame to any love story. They give you the impression that “happily ever after” just takes care of itself—but that’s simply not true. The fact of the matter is that marriage takes a lot of work and can be difficult at times.

Is it worth it? Absolutely. But is it easy? No way.

The problem is that marriage is made up of two sinners, and both of them must constantly make an intentional effort to deny self and put the other first.

My friend Levi Lusko and his wife Jennie talk about how the simple and easy things to do in marriage that keep it running smoothly are also the easy things to forget—things like humility, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity.

If you’re married, you know exactly what I’m talking about. And whether your marriage is in a good place or teetering on the brink, you know that there is always something you should be doing to improve it. Are you willing to put in the effort?

I hope so. To help you with this, Levi and Jennie have written The Marriage Devotional, with 52 chapters to get you and your spouse talking about what’s needed to make your marriage thrive. I’ve witnessed their marriage for 19 years and can tell you that it is real, honest, strong, and fun—so they know what they’re talking about.

If you’d like to receive a copy of The Marriage Devotional for your marriage or for a married couple you know, you can get one by making a donation to Harvest Ministries this month.

As you know, any gift you can send helps to proclaim the gospel, encourage believers in their faith, and transform lives—including marriages that need hope and healing.

Thank you for joining us as we point people to Jesus as the answer to life’s difficulties. Together, we will continue to know God and make Him known!

In Christ, 

Pastor Greg Laurie 


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