Wednesday, April 5, 2023



"New science" of the 1970s pushed cross-sex hormone treatments for livestock. 

Some cattle ranchers who trusted that science wound up with herds of violent insane cows. 

Now those "treatments" are being foisted upon young girls – and, in some cases, with similar effects.

Meanwhile, activists are trying to BAN the one thing proven to help gender-confused kids — voluntary Christian mental health counseling. 

We need YOUR HELP in overturning the bans on lifesaving counseling for gender confusion and unwanted same-sex attractions and behaviors. 

A special Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation made today. 

Please give generously, then read on for Miranda's story. — Mat


In the 1970s, veterinary scientists encouraged cattle ranchers to use cross-sex hormone treatments to induce higher pregnancy rates in cattle herds. 

Billed as safe and effective, female cows were injected with testosterone, then released into the herd. 

The scientists claimed that the testosterone-fueled cows would have increased birth rates. 

Instead, the cows went mad.

One rancher who participated in that "new scientific method" spoke to a Liberty Counsel staff member. 

What this fifth-generation, award-winning cattle rancher told us is shocking — and provides a disturbing glimpse of what "cross-sex hormone treatment" does to mammals — including human beings.

In the 1970s, Jack* decided to "follow the science" of the time. His cows were injected with single-use shots of testosterone and implants that continually released testosterone into the cow's body. 

He wound up losing a substantial portion of his herd.
"I have never before — or since — seen that dramatic and horrific transformation of an animal," says Jack.

"These cows started out as docile herd animals," said the cattleman. 

"After a testosterone injection and a slow-release implant, the animal's voices changed. 

They started bellowing with rage."

"When unprovoked, [the injected cows] started attacking and ramming the wood and guardrail fences with their heads to try to tear them down to kill a person standing behind the fence," Jack continued.

In their rage, the injected cows pushed their bodies to the point of failure, hardly stopping to eat or drink. 

According to Jack, some of the injected cows "had their back legs collapse so they couldn't even stand up, which is a death knell out in the wild." 

And some of the cows, finding no target for their new rage, beat their own heads bloody against fence posts and barns.

"I've never seen anything like it before or since," says Jack, whose family has been cattle ranching on the same land for generations.

Jack halted the program immediately. 

Injections were stopped, and the implants were cut out of the cows. 

But the damage was already done. 

The cows were still crazy and had to be put down. 

Jack's ranch lost tens of thousands of dollars in cattle as well as the damage caused by the testosterone-fueled crazy cows.

But now a different set of scientists want to keep perpetuating experimental cross-hormone treatments

This time, it involves little girls and young women.

Helena Kerschner knows all too well the dangerous side effects of putting testosterone into a woman's body.

Helena suffered some significant emotional blows as a child. 

By the time she was 13, she was experiencing traumatic side effects that included severe depression, self-harm, and an eating disorder. 

During this time, Helena says she was "introduced into a belief system" that claimed if she didn't fit in, or didn't like her body, she must be "trans."

Even though Helena had always been a "girly girl" who loved dresses and Barbie dolls, online LGBTQ groups informed her that if she just transitioned into a male, her emotional problems would be vanquished.

When Helena turned 18, she spoke with a Planned Parenthood nurse about her emotional problems. 

Instead of referring the troubled young woman for mental health counseling, that Planned Parenthood nurse informed Helena that she was a "perfect candidate for testosterone." 

Helena told the Planned Parenthood nurse she wanted the highest dose because she felt like she had "excess estrogen." 

No blood tests or endocrinology were performed to evaluate Helena's feelings about her blood chemistry.

Instead, the Planned Parenthood nurse put Helena on the highest levels of testosterone after that single appointment, not because scientific evaluation showed she needed it, but simply because Helena asked for it

The results were a disaster.

Stop the bans on Christian counseling!

"I was kind of possessed by something. 

I wasn't myself anymore," says Helena. 

Any emotion would turn into extreme rage. 

When I would get angry, I felt like hurting people or breaking something.

"And so ... the only way I knew to control that was to hurt myself. 

I just couldn't control myself ... eventually that got so bad that I ended up hurting myself badly enough to the point of going to the emergency room."

"My life became a total disaster ... I just felt like a monster."

But when Helena went off testosterone, she says, "All these symptoms went away, and I was myself again." 

She was on testosterone for 17 months. 

But not once did any doctor connect the dots, nor did the Planned Parenthood staff advise stopping the cross-sex hormones that had made Helena crazy.

Don't let Planned Parenthood & their LGBTQ allies BAN Christian counseling.

Liberty Counsel recently won two court of appeals cases striking down 23 ordinances that prohibited minors from voluntary counseling with licensed professionals. 

These licensed therapists provide lifesaving counseling to minors who desperately desire to conform their attractions, behaviors, and gender identities to their sincerely held religious beliefs.

As a result, counselors in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia are now free to help their minor clients. 

We are fighting to overturn the remaining 87 bans on counseling nationwide.

We need YOUR HELP to counter the lies and life-destroying bans on voluntary Christian change counseling. Please fund our critical legal work defending our children — and the Word of God — today. When you do, a special Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your donation.

Please, give generously today.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Select here to download your FREE copy of our powerful booklet The Ten Commandments in American Law and Government. Use this document to educate friends, neighbors, and even government leaders on America's biblical foundation!


"Aggressive Behaviour -- the Influence of Testosterone." Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed March 29, 2023.

"Informal list of intergovernmental meetings (provisional)." World Health Organization. Accessed March 29, 2023.

Mortimer, R.G., M.D. Salman, M. Gutierrez, and J.D. Olson. "Effects of Androgenizing Dairy Heifers with Ear Implants Containing Testosterone and Estrogen on Detection of Estrus." Journal of Dairy Science, July 1990.

Spitzer, John C., and Peter J. Chenoweth. "Androgenization of Cows as Aids for Estrous Detection and Influence of Biostimulation on Postpartum Reproduction." American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference. September 14, 1995.

"The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters Online." CBC Network, September 13, 2022.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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