Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Have you ever noticed, just when you are very close to your BREAKTHROUGH POINT, you believed God for years, the enemy will stir up strive with someone with an aim that you may strike back!?

DON'T! Striking back will usher you into an attack from the enemy, because it lowers the shield of faith.
The shield of faith is off it's proper place because a walk of FAITH is basically obeying what God says in His written Word.
Well, The Written Word says, you BLESS them that persecute you.
So, striking back is contrary to the Word of God and hinders defense that the SHIELD OF FAITH offers according to Ephesians 6; as you put on the whole amour to combat the enemy.
You overcome that RESISTANCE from the enemy by enforcing the force of Agape LOVE.
Walking in LOVE towards mean people offers DIVINE PROTECTION, and even what they plan against you won't work.
Remember they planned to throw Jesus down the cliff, but He just walked between them. You may say, "That's Jesus the Son of God!"
You are right, but didn't you hear Jesus say, "As The Father sent Me, so send I you!"
You have DIVINE PROTECTION just like Jesus did, because walking in God's LOVE causes you to have on THE ARMOUR OF LIGHT.
satan is the prince of darkness and he cannot withstand you, when you have on the amour of light.
This gives the BELIEVER tremendous victory over satan and his cohorts when they plan evil against you and such evil plots are a sure sign a BREAKTHROUGH COMETH!!!♡

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