Monday, April 10, 2023

Alarm sounded over scheme to eliminate parental custody of children 12 and older


Alarm sounded over scheme to eliminate parental custody of children 12 and older

'And it doesn't matter what their parents think'

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(Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash)

(Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash)

A commentary by Katrina Trinko, editor-in-chief of The Daily Signal, is warning of a California scheme that would, in essence, remove parental custody for children 12 and older.

It explains that a legislative plan, AB 665, concerning mental health care for lower-income people, would let a stranger give permission to children "as young as 12 years old to consent to being placed into state funded group homes without parental permission…"

The law wouldn’t even require that parents be informed of the situation.

"As long as a mental health professional signs off on it, the kids can go to such a group home – and it doesn't matter what their parents think," the report explained.

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Erin Friday, a California mom of two teens, told the Daily Signal, "This bill gives a stranger, a school psychologist, power to decide whether a sixth or seventh grader comes home from school that day, and that’s terrifying.

"This bill is essentially stating that parents are criminals that have to prove their innocence to get their child back."

The plan already has passed out of the California Assembly Judiciary Committee.

Trinko explained the scheme builds on an existing law that already allows children 12 and older to be given "mental health care" without their parents' knowledge if a "mental health provider" finds that best.

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That had been promoted by the leftist Center for American Progress as a way to promote LGBT ideology to youth.

That group reported then, "LGBT youth are likely to avoid using public mental health services if they believe that doing so will cause them to have to reveal their LGBT status to their parents or peers."

One of the typical arguments is that LGBT youth must be affirmed or they'll commit suicide. But the report explained that when the earlier law was adopted 92 minors in California committed suicide.

"From 2011-2020, the last year for which data is available, 106 minors a year on average committed suicide in California," the report said.

While testifying on the plan, licensed clinical social worker Pamela Garfield-Jaeger explained the additional dangers children face in residential facilities, from drug use and violent behavior to fleeing into the hands of sex traffickers.

The report also identified the suddenly exploding ideology regarding transgenderism as a reason to keep parents in the dark.

"It is apparent that one result of this bill will be the removal of trans-identified children from the family home,” Garfield-Jaeger said in her testimony. “In the dystopian nightmare we are in, if a parent doesn’t use the child’s chosen pronoun or name, they are labeled dangerous."

EDITOR’S NOTE: Question: Why do the political and corporate leaders of America – long the freest, most successful, most prosperous and most Christian nation in history – bow and scrape before China, a ruthless, communist, totalitarian and explicitly atheistic dictatorship openly committed to ruling the world, including America?

The astonishing answers come into focus only when one contemplates both the unprecedented level of political and financial corruption in America’s ruling class (multiple Biden family members received $31 million in payola from China), and simultaneously the communist Chinese government’s brilliantly devious methods of unconventional total warfare, by which China is stealthily infiltrating, subverting, corrupting and colonizing the United States of America.

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