Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in the Senate


This week, Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and John Thune (R-SD) introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in the Senate. This gives this bill now TWO possible paths.

First, it can be passed on the Senate floor at any time under Rule 14 (which occurred when the House passed it before the Senate appointed its committees). 

Second, with this week’s additional introduction, the Senate now can hold public hearings to put pressure on legislators to move this bill forward.

This gives this bill the best of both worlds. Committee schedules cannot be used to block this bill because it can go straight to the floor. 

But committees can now bring compelling live testimony to shine a light on this darkness. 

This means the Born Alive Act is one step closer to a critical vote! 

But we still have so much work to do.

There are many jurisdictions in the U.S. in which it is legal for babies to be murdered even if they are born alive. 

We urgently need to pass the federal Born Alive Act (HR 26). 

Make your voice heard in the halls of Congress, demanding justice for these children. — Mat


There is nothing normal about killing children born alive. 

“Shout Your Abortion” (SYA) was founded in 2015 to counter the videos released by Sandra Merritt documenting the gruesome harvesting of baby body parts — with some of the babies born alive. 

There is nothing normal about infanticide.

Last year, this horror was again uncovered in Washington, D.C. “One of the babies ... had an incision on the back of her neck that could indicate the use of the federally banned D&X abortion procedure more commonly known as partial-birth abortion. Other intact babies found in the bag could have been killed by infanticide after surviving the abortion procedure,” Live Action reported.

One of these five children was estimated to be at 32 weeks since conception, which is two and a half months past the point of viability. 

Experts believe all five could have survived outside the womb.

But they were never given that chance.

Rush your faxes to leaders in the Senate to pass the Born Alive Act!

The District of Columbia is one of too many locations advancing a culture of death. 

It allows abortions up to the moment of birth. 

In one location, an abortion clinic is between an elementary and a middle school. 

Last year, D.C. law enforcement not only ignored the horrid discovery but then targeted the pro-lifers. 

This is the same thing that happened to Sandra Merritt.

One D.C. sidewalk counselor saw two cartons of “medical waste” being taken out of an abortion clinic. 

She asked the disposal company employee if she could give the babies a proper burial. 

She was given one of the two containers being picked up that day.

Inside the bin, she found the bodies of 115 children. 

Five of these children were wrapped separately, and all of the five appeared to be well past the point of viability. 

Evidence of the violence these children suffered indicated that they may have been born alive before they were killed. 

I’ve seen the pictures, and they are sickening.

Newborn murders are real. 

They are more frequent in these abortion clinics than anyone wants to realize. 

Send your urgent faxes to pass the Born Alive Act that will require proper care for these babies.

This was not the first time the abortionist at this D.C. location has been caught performing these gruesome procedures. Dr. Cesare Santangelo was shown on camera 10 years ago describing his unique and brutal process. 

He does not inject feticide drugs to kill the child, but instead cuts their umbilical cord and waits for the child to die by cardiac arrest.

He admitted on camera that if a child survived one of his abortions, he and his staff “would not help it.”

This level of brutality is nauseating. 

The bodies of these five children are further evidence of his inhumane and illegal practices.

Further, discovery of the babies illustrates just how bloodthirsty abortionists can be in radically pro-death jurisdictions like D.C.

At this point, the only people who have been arrested are those who exposed the grotesque evil taking place in the shadow of Capitol. 

The murderers still walk free.

We must demand the passage of the Born Alive Act to establish protections for children that will otherwise be murdered and callously discarded.

Send urgent faxes to members of the Senate to pass the Born Alive Act and to let them know that America is watching their actions.

This is an issue of life or death. 

Even if your Senator will not listen, your faxes can urge other Senators to support and cosponsor the Born Alive Act. 

With Rule 14 invoked, the bill could come up for vote at any time.

We must end infanticide in America

We only need a few more Senate members to pass the Born Alive Act. 

We cannot remain silent while precious children are being murdered! 

Your faxes put Senators on notice that we care about victimized children and demand immediate action.

Liberty Counsel Action relies 100% on your donations to maintain our full-time staff in D.C. We can only advocate for these babies and demand justice because of your prayers and support. We are deeply grateful for your monthly recurring donation or a one-time gift to help fight this key battle. And you can DOUBLE your gift through our Challenge Grant.

Be the voice of these children. Demand justice for these little ones!

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. We must demand protection for these babies. Send faxes today to urge Congress to immediately protect these helpless children.

Donate today and DOUBLE your gift.

Then help spread the word by sending this email to your friends.

P.P.S. Sign our Born Alive petition today to key members of Congress.


di Fiore, Bettina. “Nine Pro-Life Activists Arrested by FBI for Entering DC Abortion Facility.” Live Action News, March 30, 2022.

“Fighting for Innocent Life in D.C.” Liberty Counsel Action, March 11, 2020.

Flanders, Nancy. “‘Justice for the Five’: Key Facts about the Discovery of the Aborted Babies in DC.” Live Action News, April 9, 2022.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854

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