Sunday, February 26, 2023

'Safeguards Against Beheading' Now Hit the Market


'Safeguards against beheading' now hit the market

'If your nation and civilization is being destroyed, you might as well make a profit'

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(Photo by Catherine on Unsplash)

(Photo by Catherine on Unsplash)

Diversity is when there are a multitude of perspectives that are available in a society.

In recent years, that, frankly, has meant a multitude of pro-Islamic statements, comments and agendas.

In many nations, like the United Kingdom, where the Muslim population is surging, there have developed no-go zones where even local police fear to tread.

Now there's a company proposing to profit from the growth in the Muslim population, in this case in France.

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Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch notes in a brief report that a French clothing maker "offers 'anti-knife neck guards' and other safeguards against beheading."

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He reported, "Sign of the times," and he quoted the Quran, where it states, "When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks ..."

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"Celebrate diversity! It is France’s commitment to that alleged virtue that has given rise to this line of clothing. If your nation and civilization is being destroyed, you might as well make a profit off its destruction," he explained.

He then links to, where the neck protecters and other products are being sold.

One product is described, in French, as "anti-knife protection (neck-collarbone) black or camouflage."

It's about $50.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Long the world’s most Christian nation, America today is being taken over by a new “official” national religion, one being imposed on the entire populace by every major societal institution, from government, media and big tech, to academia, entertainment and business.

This new state religion is Wokeism. “Going woke” conjures up visions of someone claiming to be acutely sensitive (“awake”) to “systemic social and political injustice.” And not just alleged bigotry against blacks, but toward every other “minority” as well, from LGBT folk – especially everything transgender and “nonbinary” – to “undocumented immigrants.” All of them, being VICTIMS, intrinsically more virtuous than the shameful oppressor class: primarily heterosexual white males.

This new “woke” consciousness has turned America upside-down – from the nationwide Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, to tearing down of historic monuments, to demanding multi-million-dollar reparation payments for blacks, to appointing transgenders as top government officials, to rampant reverse discrimination in every area of life, to the U.S. military imposing mandatory “diversity training” and transgender pronoun use on all personnel, causing recruitment to disastrously plummet.

Yet there is hope. Being “saved” – which in Wokeism is called being “woke” – is largely a matter of worshipping victimhood by becoming an “ally” and “defender” of all the many victim classes, and a determined enemy of the straight white male oppressor class. Thus, “joining the righteous” as an ally – even if one is cursed to be a straight white male – opens the door mercifully for salvation, even to the most wretched.

That is the power of the religion of Wokeism. And it’s explored as never before in the February 2023 issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine. If you’ve ever wondered, for example, exactly how the most radical elements in American society are successfully pressuring the biggest corporations into adopting the most outrageous and immoral policies imaginable, even when doing so permanently damages and devalues the company, the stunning answers are in this issue of Whistleblower, titled “WOKEISM: AMERICA’S OFFICIAL STATE RELIGION.”

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