Sunday, February 12, 2023

Obscene, Sexual Activity': Girl Pressured to Memorize Porn Takes Serious Action


'Obscene, sexual activity': Girl pressured to memorize porn takes serious action

'She felt very betrayed, and she just cried all the time'

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(Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash)

(Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash)

A school district in Nevada assigned a pornographic monologue to a student to memorize and act out, and now is getting sued.

A report from the Post Millennial documents the girl's family is suing the Clark County School District and several officials for assigning the 15-year-old an "obscene, sexual activity as a class assignment."

The scenario reportedly was in theater class and involved "a girl coming out as lesbian to her boyfriend."

"She felt very betrayed, and she just cried all the time," the student's mother, told station KSNV, which also reported on the developing fight.

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"She didn’t want to get up. She didn’t want to go to school."

The parents said in the report that students in the class were handed monologues to memorize and then act out, monologues that had been written by other students and approved by a teacher.

The family complained to an assistant principal, and then because no action was taken, went to the school board.

"This will be horrifying for me to read to you, but it will give you perspective on how she must've felt when her teacher required her to memorize this and to act it out in front of her entire class," the mother said.

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She then read the assignment, prompting a board member to ask her to not use such offensive language.

"If you don’t want me to read it to you, what was it like for my 15-year-old daughter to have to memorize pornographic material," the mother responded.

The lawsuit charges unlawful grooming and abuse of a minor.

The family's lawyer, Sam Castor, told KSNV, "That teacher abused their authority and required a sexually explicit assignment to be performed. Now, put yourself in the shoes of this 14, 15-year-old girl. She’s in a scenario where she has to perform something that’s against her own family beliefs."

The girl no longer is in that theater class.

EDITOR’S NOTE: What is behind the current war against America’s children? Why are so many adults killing their unborn children right up to the moment of birth, or even after? Why are millions of kids sexualized virtually from birth, and injected with an experimental “vaccine” proven to be both ineffective and dangerous, then as toddlers transported to events glorifying mentally ill, demonically possessed men dressed as women?

Why are America’s children systematically sexualized at school, and by transgender recruiters on social media platforms like TikTok, seducing many into “identifying” as the opposite gender, or a brand-new imaginary gender, then encouraged to take powerful drugs and hormones and have their healthy breasts amputated or undergo chemical or surgical castration?

Why are our children simultaneously indoctrinated with toxic Marxist ideologies like “critical race theory” intended to condition them to hate and reject their own country, parents, faith, race, gender and themselves? Why are they simultaneously being frightened of the future by being fed lurid, terrifying – and groundless – apocalyptic tales of the imminent destruction of the world due to global warming?

No wonder youth suicides have skyrocketed, as have depression, anxiety, addiction and drug overdoses. Indeed, fentanyl, the No. 1 cause of death of younger Americans 18 to 45, destroys multitudes of children annually.

Make no mistake: The harm being done to America’s children in this multi-front war is not accidental: Children are the primary target.

WHY? How can all this be happening in the greatest nation on earth? Who and what is behind it? And HOW CAN IT BE STOPPED?

Find out in the explosive January issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, “WINNING THE WAR AGAINST AMERICA’S CHILDREN,” available in both print and state-of-the-art digital editions.

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