Friday, February 3, 2023


Thank you Lord that your mercies and grace are new every morning.

Everyday is a new day for new beginnings.
“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 1:6
Dear Friends,
Confidence is not something a lot of people have. But the apostle Paul was confident about several things. One of them is found in Philippians 1:6, which says,
“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Why was he confident? Because he knew that all that God has done in our lives began with God in the first place! God is the one who sent Christ, calls us to Himself, and is the One who changes our lives. As a believer, you have this wonderful promise that God will complete what He has started in your life.
Aren’t you glad God did not say, “Okay, I have saved you, now go out and make yourself a good person.” Or say, “Now live a perfect life.” He knows we could not. Because He is the one who has saved us, He also will make us holy.
I know I need a Savior every day. Especially to save me from myself.
Aren’t you glad we have such a great, wonderful, compassionate God who hasn’t left us on our own? God is not finished with you or me yet! Please be patient with yourself. He will fully accomplish what He began.
Here’s for having a day under construction!

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