Saturday, January 14, 2023

Why is the left so obsessed with destroying America’s children?

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Since your Whistleblower subscription expired a while ago, I thought you might want to take advantage of this special offer to renew your subscription today – and in the process get a terrific FREE gift!

But first, here's an advance look at the powerful and ultra-important January 2023 Whistleblower issue, titled “WINNING THE WAR AGAINST AMERICA’S CHILDREN” – which will soon make its way to the mailbox of every subscriber.


If Americans throughout their nation’s history have embraced any common values, at the top of the list would be the conviction that children are precious, innocent, a gift from God – and to be protected at all costs.

Why then, in today’s America, are so many adults destroying children in a dizzying variety of ways – from aborting them right up to the moment of birth, to killing them after they’re born, to sexualizing them virtually from birth (Harvard now teaches a course on infants who are “LGBTQIA+,” “queer” or “asexual”), to injecting them with an experimental “vaccine” proven to be both ineffective and dangerous, to transporting 2- and 3-year-olds to events glorifying mentally ill, demonically possessed men dressed as women (some with criminal histories of child sexual abuse) who regale America’s next generation with fantastical stories about heroic LGBT characters?

And this is just the abuse heaped daily on infants and toddlers.

As they grow older, America’s children are systematically sexualized in government (“public”) school classrooms and after-school LGBT “support clubs,” as well as by ubiquitous transgender recruiters on social media platforms like TikTok. As a direct result, many children are seduced into “identifying” as the opposite gender, or a brand-new imaginary gender, and although too young to drive or vote, are convinced – and permitted – to take powerful drugs and hormones, and to have their healthy breasts amputated or to undergo chemical or surgical castration.

Make no mistake: Today’s rampant transgender grooming craze amounts to widespread child sexual abuse of the most serious and irreversible kind. America is literally normalizing pedophilia.

As if the rampant sexual abuse were not enough, alongside it are many other daily educational assaults on America’s youth: They are indoctrinated with toxic and corrupting Marxist ideologies like “critical race theory,” intended to condition them to hate and reject their own country, their parents, their faith, their race, their gender and themselves. At the same time, they’re being intentionally frightened of the future by being fed lurid, terrifying – and utterly groundless – apocalyptic tales of the imminent destruction of the world due to catastrophic global warming.

As a result of these and still other assaults on children, including forcing them to wear useless and ineffective masks even outside during the COVID hysteria, youth suicides have skyrocketed, as have depression, anxiety and other mental and emotional disorders. Even violent crime at an early age, something virtually unheard-of in previous eras, is becoming an increasing reality, as reflected in recent headlines like “6-year-old student in custody after allegedly shooting his elementary school teacher in Virginia” and “12-year-old Oklahoma girl accused of stabbing her 9-year-old brother to death.”

Meanwhile, the synthetic opioid fentanyl, the No. 1 cause of death of younger Americans aged 18 to 45, destroys thousands of children annually. In fact, recently – making its first appearance just prior to Halloween – it has been disguised as candy (so-called “rainbow fentanyl”) so as to addict or kill as many kids as possible. The fentanyl crisis is largely a result of the Biden administration’s intentional and perverse demolition of border enforcement, essentially handing over the U.S.-Mexico border region to the terroristic Mexican drug cartels, who in turn profit massively from trafficking China-sourced fentanyl and other illicit drugs into America.

Moreover, the same cartels reap huge profits from facilitating (for a price) the trek of millions of aliens intending to cross the border illegally, a key feature of which is the rampant sexual abuse and/or sex trafficking of countless girls and young women attempting to make the dangerous trek into the U.S.

This multi-front war is intended ultimately to convert America’s young people into a conflicted, frightened, corrupted and ideologically brainwashed version of the bright and moral people they were created to be. And make no mistake, the harm being done to children in this war is neither accidental nor collateral: Children are the primary target.

How can all this be happening in the greatest nation on earth? Who and what is behind it? And how can it be stopped?

The answers to these and other questions are revealed, as perhaps never before, in the powerful January 2023 Whistleblower issue, “WINNING THE WAR AGAINST AMERICA’S CHILDREN.”

This is the kind of extraordinary information and insight you get only from Whistleblower, which is why I'm asking you to renew or extend your subscription today. Remember, while WND brings you the latest breaking news every day as no other media organization dares to do, it is Whistleblower that connects all the dots to reveal where things are heading and what it all means to you. I think you'll agree, knowing where things are heading and how to protect yourself and your family has never been more important.

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Since finances are tight for many people, we have a very special offer for you right now.

Renew (or extend your current subscription) today for one year, and you'll get $10 off the regular rate (pay only $39.95 instead of the usual $49.95), plus you'll receive a very special FREE gift:

You’ll get a hardcover copy of Joseph Farah’s widely acclaimed book, “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament.”

While other books have explored various glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament, this one is different – seeking out and finding the redemptive message of the Gospel in all 39 books of the original Hebrew Scriptures.

That’s why it has been characterized as a “breakthrough Bible book” by some of the many Christian luminaries who have warmly endorsed it, from Franklin Graham to Greg Laurie (see below). The secret to finding the Good News everywhere throughout the Old Testament, says author Joseph Farah, can be found in the way Jesus Himself characterized His message throughout the gospels of Matthew and Mark, calling it “the Gospel of the Kingdom.” This messianic Kingdom – in which the entire world is restored to the way it was intended before the fall of mankind – is often overlooked, the author says, as a key part of the Gospel message, which is more often associated solely with the all-important call to personal salvation.

Thus, not only is this book a convenient and unique reference for book-by-book study of the Hebrew Scriptures, it also provides a fresh look at the complexity and fullness of the Good News Jesus and the Apostles preached in the Greek Scriptures. There are 39 chapters in the book, each one devoted to finding and documenting the Gospel in each book of the Old Testament – from Genesis to Malachi.

What does it mean that the Gospel, so often associated exclusively with the New Testament, is pervasive throughout the Old? It is stunning evidence, the author suggests, that all 66 books of the Bible, though written over the course of 1,500 years by about 40 different people, represent a fully integrated, singular, cohesive and miraculous message.

Here’s what others are saying about “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament”:

* “Joseph Farah has set a magnifying glass down on the pages of the Old Testament and shares with readers what many fail to see when reading through the biblical stories of antiquity – Jesus – the great ‘I Am’ of Scripture. In his latest work, ‘The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament,’ you will be thrilled at the passages that speak of Jesus before He came to earth in human form as the Christmas Child. The foreshadowing of Christ speaks clearly of the salvation He offers to mankind because Jesus, Himself, is the Gospel. Don’t miss the true adventure of seeing God’s perfect plan of redemption from beginning to end.” – Franklin Graham, president and CEO, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse

*"Just as the Nazis tried to unlink the Old and New Testaments, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote his very last book, ‘Prayerbook of the Bible,’ about how the Old Testament Psalms were the very prayers of Jesus,” Metaxas wrote. “He was thenceforth banned from publishing in the Third Reich, but Bonhoeffer knew one cannot have a genuine Christian faith unless one understands how the Old Testament books speak of Jesus; and to see that for yourself, I am thrilled to recommend Joseph Farah’s superb new book." – Eric Metaxas, New York Times bestselling author of “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy,” and “Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World”

“It’s amazing that this book hasn’t been written before! It’s a great way to rediscover the Old Testament, and it proves the Bible – from cover to cover – is a thoroughly integrated book with one consistent message.” – Dinesh D’Souza, bestselling author and documentary filmmaker

“Never before has anyone offered a more complete and comprehensive, book-by-book exploration of the Gospel in the Hebrew Scriptures. Joseph Farah’s ‘The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament’ is a triumph and an amazing resource for every pastor and every Bible study leader who understands the importance of the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus preached. It’s even more important for those pastors and Bible study teachers who don’t understand it. Revolutionary!” – Dr. Jack Van Impe, Jack Van Impe Ministries International

“After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to two disciples who had lost hope. They felt He had somehow failed in His mission, when, in fact, everything was going according to schedule, God’s schedule. Jesus gave them a personal tour of the Old Testament and what passages pointed to Him. When their journey ended, these two down-hearted disciples who had hope restored spoke of how their hearts burned when Christ opened up the Scriptures to them. In his new book, ‘The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament,’ my friend Joseph Farah helps us to see the vital connection between the Old and New Testaments. I know this book will be a blessing to you.” – Greg Laurie, author, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California

This special offer including a FREE hardcover copy of Joseph Farah's “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament” will end at 10 pm on Monday, Jan. 16, 2023, and is valid in the U.S. only.




If you wish to renew by phone, call WND’s customer service line at 1-816-220-0359.

So what about it? Won't you please renew (or extend) your subscription today and stay plugged in to the kind of special information and insight that will help you navigate through the tumultuous future America faces – a future full of danger, but also opportunity? And at the same time, you'll be supporting your favorite daily online news source, WND.

We think it's a great deal, and trust you do too. But please act now, because we can make this offer only until 10 pm Monday, December 11, 2022.


David Kupelian
Vice President and Managing Editor, WND
Editor, Whistleblower magazine
Author, "The Marketing of Evil," "How Evil Works"
and "The Snapping of the American Mind"

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