A Tragic Day for the NFL Leads Back to PrayerWhat do you think? poll! Important: Play this video explaining Oregon Political Tax Credit! Perhaps you saw the tragic situation that led to Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin experiencing a cardiac arrest. It happened in Monday night’s NFL game. Then in response, ESPN analyst Dan Orlovsky said on air, “I heard the Buffalo Bills organization say that we believe in prayer, and maybe this is not the right thing to do, but it’s just on my heart and I want to pray for Damar Hamlin right now”. And so he did. But why wouldn’t it be the right thing to do? Isn’t that what most Americans do in times of adversity? They pray. They pray that he might intervene and offer relief to the suffering. Unfortunately, Orlovsky's caution is well deserved. ESPN, and the NFL, embrace the politics of the Left, and that means they are strongly committed to the secular agenda. Orlovsky feared he would be called on the carpet for his onscreen prayer. The woke progressive left has been captured by the Secular Humanist Worldview. Because of this, they no longer pray, wish others to pray or value prayer (as to them there is no God to pray to). We see this here in Oregon. Many states, with more conservative, God believing leaders, have Governor's Prayer breakfasts near the start of a legislative session. When was the last time Oregon held such an event? Since prayer is our only defense against the coming onslaught of bad legislation, perhaps we should organize a prayer event for the upcoming session? Interested in helping, email jeffk@oregonfaithandfreedom.org. Please join us in transforming the Oregon political landscape today. Give $10.00 today (about a cup of coffee and a donut)! Pac ID: 15823 We need to contact more people and activate them to help defend our worldview during the upcoming session of the legislaturet! For more information: visit www.OregonFaithandFreedom.org or info@oregonfaithandfreedom.org.
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