Friday, December 16, 2022

Democrats Move to Lower Voting Age To 16, Child Rigging Begins

Their brains aren’t fully formed yet. The more malleable, the better. Apparently the millions of illegals they are importing isn’;t enough.

The Federalist reports: Democrats Court Their Newest Voting Bloc: High Schoolers

Think high-school-junior-to-Democrat-voter pipeline. That’s the model for this left-wing nonprofit’s latest Democrat get-out-the-vote scheme.

In a fundraising email to its supporters, VoteAmerica — a left-wing nonprofit that focuses on voter registration and turnout — writes that because 50 percent of high school students take either the SAT or ACT, it’s partnering with high schools across the country to register students to vote when they sign up for standardized testing.

Simply put: by signing underage students up to register to vote, FutureVoter and its parent company, VoteAmerica, can send them Democrat Party-specific prompts and groom them into becoming future Democrat voters. While VoteAmerica claims it’s nonpartisan, its fundraising page is serviced by ActBlue Charities, a “pass-through organization created to facilitate donations to left-of-center 501(c)(3) nonprofits.” ActBlue itself is a left-wing PAC that funnels millions of dollars into left-wing causes and Democrat campaigns every year through its fundraising platforms.

Make no mistake about what kind of voter FutureVoter wishes to cultivate. Gen Z helped pull many Democrat candidates to the finish line this past midterm cycle, with about two-thirds of them backing Democrat House candidates (27 percent of Americans aged 18-29 cast votes). While Democrats don’t quite have Gen Z or millennials in the bag (in fact, a growing percentage of young people are supporting the Republican Party), schemes like lowering the voting age or fronting as CollegeBoard itself are all part of the larger Democrat Party plan to cinch the youth vote.

Never mind that a third of high school seniors fail to attain a basic understanding of civics, or that high school (and for that matter, college) graduates are coming out of school woefully uneducated. This is the perfect kind of voting bloc for Democrat GOTV efforts: one that can be effectively propagandized for years to come (according to VoteAmerica, “a young person who casts a ballot in three consecutive elections will become a lifelong consistent voter”). And on this new voting bloc rests the future of the country.

FutureVoter is just one small piece of the puzzle that is Democrats’ complicated network of 501(c)(3) nonprofit “charities” that “stack voter rolls in their favor.” Disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s mother is in charge of one such foundation that funnels millions in tax-exempt cash from Silicon Valley moguls into groups that cherrypick and register potential Democrat voters. The Center for Tech and Civic Life is another one. If Republicans hope to mitigate the effects of these left-wing nonprofit powerhouses (and want a chance at winning elections), they must create their own.

Democrats push to lower voting age to 16

The nationwide campaign is gaining momentum, especially at the local level.

By Aaron Kliegman, Just The News, December 4, 2022:

The Democrat-led movement to lower the legal voting age to 16 — or in some cases even younger — is gaining momentum nationwide, scoring local victories while winning the support of lawmakers and activists on the political left.

The campaign’s latest win came in Boston, where the City Council on Wednesday approved a petition allowing 16- and 17-year-old residents to vote in municipal elections.

The petition will now be sent to the Massachusetts Legislature for approval, which isn’t guaranteed. Several other towns and cities in Massachusetts have voted for similar proposals, which then failed to pass the state House.

Progressive members of the City Council argued that lowering the voting age would help young people build a habit of voting and make them more likely to continue being politically engaged later in life.

“We don’t apply a maturity index to the right to vote for any other age,” City Councilor Kenzie Bok, who sponsored the petition, told the Boston Globe. “Having the opportunity to vote is what gives our 16- and 17-year-olds a chance to engage meaningfully.”

Others argued it’s unfair that teenagers can have adult responsibilities and play active roles in society but don’t have a say in public life.

“Young people are working, paying taxes,” said City Councilor Julia Mejia, who cosponsored the petition. “When it comes to making a decision as to who’s going to represent them, that has been denied to them.”

Mejia also dismissed the notion that 16- and 17-year-old kids may not be mature enough to make important political decisions, saying that “oftentimes it’s young people who are educating their parents and their uncles and aunts and older folks about who’s running for office and why they should vote.”

The push to allow underage children to vote has prompted outcry and legal challenges from election experts opposed to the effort.

“This is a foolish, cynical move by Boston and other jurisdictions,” Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation told Just the News. “Under the law, 16- and 17-year-olds are minors. They can’t sign contracts or leases, buy alcohol, join the military, serve on a jury, or engage in a host of other activities that only legal adults are qualified to engage in because we as a society have judged that they have not yet developed the experience and judgment to make such decisions. They aren’t even treated as adults when they commit crimes, except under exceptional circumstances, for the very same reason.”

If children under 18 can be “trusted in matters affecting our democracy,” asked Spakovsky, then when will policymakers change the law to make people legal adults at 16 so minors can make an array of decisions from which they’re currently barred?

Critics of lowering the voting age often cite the fact that a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed, not reaching full development until about the age of 25. According to one oft-cited study on this subject from 2006, “research in neuroscience suggests that the brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex, is still undergoing major reconstruction and development during the teenage years.” The study noted that the prefrontal cortex is what “enables us to weigh dilemmas, balance trade-offs, and, in short, make reasonable decisions in politics.”
Keep reading….

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