Thursday, December 22, 2022

Abortion is Everything to the Progressive Left and Why We Must Change Our Approach


Abortion is Everything to the Progressive Left and Why We Must Change Our Approach

Please take our poll! 

At Christmas time, we celebrate what was to the world, an unplanned pregnancy.   After Christ's birth, an anti-life ruler, Herod, tried to kill him and did command the murder of perhaps several hundred precious baby boys who happened to live in the wrong vicinity.
Sadly, there is an anti-life wave, like that at the birth of Jesus, sweeping across the country.  

Recently, California and Vermont voters approved a constitutional amendment to make abortion legal through birth, guaranteeing the ability to kill pre-born children at any time during pregnancy and potentially even after birth, for any reason.  In Michigan, voters passed Proposal 3, which repealed the state’s long-standing protection for human life that banned abortion.

In the pro-life and deeply Republican state of Kentucky, voters rejected a pro-life constitutional amendment that clarified that there was no right to abortion in the state constitution, paving the way for activist judges in the state to reject their recent pro-life laws as “unconstitutional.” 

This is sickening and tragic and we know it will happen next in Oregon as the Oregon Legislature, fully controlled by progressive/ultra-liberals, will undoubtedly put this on the ballot.

This sad reality makes our recent email discussions even more important.  We shared an example of success in Oregon with a more aggressive approach to identifying voters and getting them out to vote!  This must be done!  You can review these past emails by clicking here.  Look for the words "We Keep" in the title. 

What can we do? First, do not let year-end come without taking advantage of the OREGON POLITICAL

ACTION TAX CREDIT (and watch this video that explains what only 6% of Oregonians use to redirect Oregon State Income taxes away from the State Government to a PAC)!  Second, would you help others take a survey that might help identify whether they might align as more conservative leaning voters (particularly among those who are unaffiliated with any party)?  Email for more information (Here is the poll-Please take our poll!). Third, interested in being part of a county chapter?  email.  Fourth, pass this email on to a friend!  Fifth, get ready again to use your voice of dissent to stand against another batch of laws passed in Salem in 2023.

Donate today so you don't forget prior to 12/31/2022!

Send an email to to get some great ideas!
Please join us in transforming the Oregon political landscape today. Give $10.00 today (about a cup of coffee and a donut)! 

For more information:  visit  or if interested in discussing running send email to
Play our video explaining the unique Oregon Political Action Tax Credit that allows almost every Oregonian an easy and potentially free way to fund PAC's like Oregon Faith and Freedom:  play
Pac ID:15823

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