Saturday, November 26, 2022



by  | Nov 25, 2022 | Mario Murillo Ministries

From the very first tent stake we drove into California soil, until now, there has only been one dream. And, after 2 years, that dream came true in Roseville. Roseville is the victory we have yearned for. It confirms that an era of mass soul winning has begun!

I have never needed you to rejoice with me more than right now. Give me your undivided attention. It is time to declare the towering significance of what God did in Roseville, California. This was our turning point.

The term “turning point” has been cheapened. To do it justice, we must see it in military terms. In every protracted battle there is a turning point which finally comes after an invading army has tried, again and again, to pierce a deeply embedded foe. Then, they find the weak point, and score a massive blow that decides the outcome of the war.

D-Day, June 6, 1944 was a turning point in the Second World War.  Our D-Day was November 14th 2022, in Roseville. The enemy is the demonic powers that control the culture of California. We have reached our turning point in California.

The doubts are settled. The 4 nights in Roseville left no questions about our foothold in the Golden State.

Thousands who filled the Tent each night will attest that this is an undeniable fact. The many hundreds who volunteered will echo this claim of victory.

The breakthrough was so great in Roseville that it has set the stage for two years of massive soul winning in California. Sit down with me, and let’s look at the reasons why.

We saw conversions, not just decisions:

“Woke” has made Californians miserable and is ripening souls to receive Jesus. The verse that first alerted me to this is John 4:35. It says, 

“Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are ready now for reaping.”

I have been warning everyone who will listen, that souls are ripening to be converted, not just to make decisions. This was confirmed by the streams of tears and weeping at the altar. Christ was not a trendy add-on. For those who came forward, Jesus became their Lord!

The accuracy and intensity of supernatural power.

This time it was unstoppable. It would not matter how any atheist would spin the occurrences of healing in the Tent. The miracles were too glaringly genuine to be dismissed. This, too, fueled the fire that will not be quenched by California culture.

One example: The Holy Spirit revealed to me that a woman in the audience had almost died 3 times. Her doctor had told her that, in June.  That revelation was only the tip of the iceberg. The same Holy Spirit revealed that she had a broken ankle; blood clots spreading and causing vast damage to the heart, lungs, and brain; and even an added detail of that she was experiencing pain in her shoulder from an unknown cause.

The power of God came upon her, and was simply too great for this woman. She discarded all sickness and doubt and raced three laps around the 20,000 square foot Tent, and blessed bedlam broke out in the crowd! All glory to God!

This did not happen in a corner.

Where this happened is just as important as what happened. This was not done in a corner or at some obscure location. Yes, we have, in previous crusades, placed the Tent in out-of-the-way places in order to have proximity to the homeless, gangs, and addicts. Not this time.

The Grounds in Roseville is a center of activity for an affluent and influential community. Moreover, it is in the shadow of Gavin Newsom and Sacramento. We declared the Gospel in a center of California culture in a much-desired location—a location granted to us by a miracle.

Bystanders were not too sophisticated to be hit by the reality of what was happening right before their eyes. Like the early Disciples, they, too, left all to follow Him.

The Sunday after the Crusade, the fire spread to the surrounding churches.

Many times, the Sunday after a tent crusade is a rest period. Not so here! There were many churches ignited that following Sunday, but I will highlight just one.

Destiny Church in Rocklin was packed. Pastors Greg and Cathy Fairrington reported that Holy Spirit fire engulfed their church. The overflow crowds in both services confirmed that the results achieved in the Tent are permanent.

As Pastor Greg preached fire and glory, the audience became an army, then even more souls were swept into the Kingdom! It was the beginning of a mass harvest in this church.

When Cathy Fairrington greeted the folks in the lobby afterwards, person after person walked up to her to tell how they were healed in the Tent—some were even carrying medical reports to confirm their miracle.

What does this all mean?

It means that Mario Murillo Ministries can now—on a massive scale—deepen and widen our soul winning in California. From this point on, the tent crusades will be a weapon that is far more devastating to the powers of darkness!

Conservative Christian action is vital in California. But to turn the tide, there must be a blazing moral awakening. Mass conversions will do the job like nothing else—and now we have proof that this is exactly what God is planning to do!

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