Saturday, June 18, 2022



Many of us wish that we had as clear a sign of God’s direction as the Israelites did. The cloud covered the Tabernacle. When the cloud lifted, Israel knew God was saying to set out. Once the cloud stopped, Israel camped at that location. They did not continue until the cloud moved again. Here are three lessons we can learn from the cloud in Numbers 9:15–23:
☁️Let us be vigilant, ready to move whenever God leads. The cloud could have moved at any time—day or night. It might have remained for a few days, or it could have lingered for months on end. The Israelites had to be prepared to leave with little notice. In a similar way, we should live expectantly. We never know when a door might open—or close. God often calls people to do the unexpected. After all, Moses was eighty when God told him to return to Egypt and bring His people out (Exodus 3:10).
☁️Whether we are waiting or going, we are not alone. The cloud was “continuously” with Israel (Numbers 9:16). It was a constant reminder of the Lord’s presence. Though we may not see God’s presence in physical form, if we believe in Yeshua, His Spirit lives in us. He has promised never to abandon us (Matthew 28:20) or leave us as orphans (John 14:18). Whatever time of life we are in, we can take comfort in knowing that God is with us.
☁️Waiting is not a waste. Israel may have stayed in a single place for months or even a year at a time (Numbers 9:22). As the days and weeks went by, it may have felt like nothing was happening. The Israelites had the Tabernacle, though. They had priests, sacrifices, and festivals. These practices reminded them who God was and what He had done for them. When we wait, we may think the time goes to waste. On the contrary, waiting is an opportunity to grow in our love for and trust of God. He is always at work in our lives. No season is a waste!

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