Saturday, April 23, 2022



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Working to punish Christians


America’s founders believed that the freedom to live out our faith was so important that they enshrined it in the First Amendment to the Constitution. But in recent decades, that Amendment has been so twisted in the courts that it is now often used as a justification for depriving people of their religious freedom.

On this Truths That Transform program, you’ll discover how a culture that increasingly sees Christianity as a threat is working to punish Christians. I invite you to watch!

Prayer on trial at Supreme Court

You’ll meet a high school football coach who decided, on his own, to pray a brief, silent prayer on the field after each game. His school fired him, claiming the prayer was a violation of the Constitution.

This Monday, Coach Joe Kennedy’s case is scheduled to be heard in the United States Supreme Court. The outcome will impact all of us. I urge you to pray that this God-fearing coach will be vindicated and that our First Amendment religious freedom will be preserved.

Meet Coach Kennedy now!

You can be a voice for Christ in our culture

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Frank Wright, Ph.D.
President and CEO
D. James Kennedy Ministries

PS: Ways to watch Truths That Transform
You have many ways to tune in to Truths That Transform via your favorite cable channel, satellite network, or station. To find network providers in your area, use the Broadcast Finder at Or check out our ROKU channel. You can always watch us on our website at or the D. James Kennedy Ministries app, which gives you freedom to watch when and where you want!

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