What is the importance of Voter Registration?Please take our poll!
What is the value of Voter Registration?
One reason is that in most states, including Oregon, you must register to vote as a SEPARATE ACTION in order to be ready to vote. You can’t just appear and vote on Election Day. You have to take a step once you are a resident of Oregon to register. Many people are doing their registrations as part of getting a driver's license via the Motor Voter Registration Act. Amazingly, even with Motor Voter Registration, 1/5 of the population of Oregon is not registered to vote! That means that 1 in 5 of your friends is not registered to VOTE! We believe that every Christian CITIZEN OF THE U.S. SHOULD REGISTER TO VOTE AND VOTE in each election and represent their Judeo-Christian worldview! As our Judeo-Christian worldview is under assault, it becomes doubly important for everyone holding this worldview to exercise their right to vote and support those in voting who share that worldview. Oregon Faith and Freedom is planning to encourage the widest number of voter registration opportunities possible. One place we might encourage non-partisan registration opportunities is at Church. Would you work with others in your congregation to advocate for these opportunities?
A first step we are targeting is to organize county meetings and form chapters. This step might help you identify those of your friends in the Church who might work with you to encourage this action. The last day to register is the 26th April. This makes every Sunday in April a great time to have a VOTER REGISTRATION SUNDAY! If you have an interest in helping to form a chapter in your county, please email Jeffk@oregonfaithandfreedom.org.
Please join us in transforming the Oregon political landscape today. Give $10.00, $25.00 or $50.00 today! Would you forward this email to a friend you know has the same concerns? For more information: visit www.OregonFaithandFreedom.org or info@oregonfaithandfreedom.org.
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