Monday, February 21, 2022




by  | Feb 21, 2022 | California

The day we have anticipated more than any day in our history is here. Our new Tent is two and a half times the size of our old one. That is a massive increase! Will we fill it today?
Will today live up to our expectations? Will we see the results of our hard work and prayers? Today, the vision is no longer just a vision in our heart. It is reality. But we wonder, ‘What is that reality?’

Then the miracle begins! They are arriving early. People are rushing to get seats. They are coming into the tent in vast numbers. People from everywhere, with every kind of need. The cars are backed up as far as you can see.
The Tent fills up one hour early. I was wondering if we would fill it at all. We are scrambling to set up chairs outside.
Right before our eyes, 3 lies are dying. Here are the lies:
1. The lie that people do not like bold advertising. The first lie to die is the false notion that the Church must use subtle advertising, and that we must conceal our true intentions.
Instead, we are taking a bold stand. Our advertising is clear and unapologetic. We are not misleading the public. Will our bold approach keep people away? Are the “experts” right? No, they are dead wrong! The crowd is rushing to get seats.

The crowd is rushing to get seats.

The Leftist regime in California has created despair in people. Their experiment in tyranny fulfills Proverbs 29:2, 
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”
You can hear groaning on every street…
Our workers hand out cards in this area by the thousands. What is the reaction to a card that tells them to come and be delivered and healed? The reaction is that they are here today in record numbers, to be delivered and healed!
The 19,000 square foot area inside our Tent is packed with chairs, and there are a thousand more outside. We ran out of chairs at 3,000, and still people are left standing.
2. The lie that you must work up the crowd. Today, we must be ready to calm the crowd down! The atmosphere in the Tent? We need to invent a new word other than ‘expectancy.’ A more intense version of EXPECTANCY! These people are so hungry and desperate that you can feel them pulling on the Holy Spirit to touch them.

One thousand people in the overflow area outside the tent.

In his opening prayer, team leader Frank Saldana, is not trying to work up the crowd. It is instant ignition. The army of God is singing their hearts out, and the worship is hitting the lost. Their excuses, doubts and fears are dying right before their eyes.
3. The lie that you must soft-pedal the Gospel. My message declares Romans 1:16, 
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
I preached about why Americans are proud of the things they should be ashamed of, and they are ashamed of the things they should be proud of.
Once you examine what Christ does to a person you want to shout it from the rooftops.

Here is a picture of the altar call. A shocking number of souls!

New converts declare: “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it got me off drugs!” “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it got me off the streets!” “I am not ashamed, because it gave me my marriage and my family back!” “I am not ashamed, because it took suicide and perversion out of me!” “I am not ashamed, because I have a future and a hope!”
Then I gave the call to come forward. We are stunned that so many are coming so fast to the front. Never, in our over 50 years of ministry, have we seen an altar call overwhelm the front like this one. They tell me that 500 souls came forward. But only God knows the real number.
There is no doubt that an awakening is breaking out in California. There is simply no other explanation for what happened tonight! If you can bring someone to be saved or healed do it! The next three nights will be remarkable and unforgettable.


The meetings continue Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:30PM

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