Tuesday, November 16, 2021



Today, we have godless governments that have lived beyond their means,
In their attempt to create their man made utopias,
Making promises to their citizens that they cannot keep.
The USA has, since the economic crisis in 2008,
Printed billions of worthless dollars in an attempt to keep the economy afloat.
Every dollar printed lessens the value of every other dollar.
This is a hidden tax on everyone who has assets in dollars.
It lessens the value of salaries of wage earners.
Everything purchased costs more.
At the same time, as they print more dollars the national debt grows.
Because the debt grows, the interest on the debt grows.
Today, the monthly interest on the national debt is approximately 4 billion dollars.
Today, the USA continues to spend 40% more than it takes in, in revenues.
This overspending is borrowed from other countries and the national debt grows.
There is currently no plan in effect to reduce the overspending.
Therefore, there is potentially no limit to the growth of the national debt.
It is a massive ponzi scheme destined to go the way of all ponzi schemes,
The USA and most of the nations of the world
Have lived beyond their means and are incapable of stopping this practice.
We see riots in Greece and other countries
Where they have tried to reduce spending,
And therefore the retirement and health benefits, etc. they provide.
The citizens want what they were promised
And the governments can no longer provide them at current levels.
Therefore we have consternation, confusion and chaos.
Further, banks throughout the world have bought government bonds
From Greece, Ireland, Italy and other countries that may never be paid back.
If they are not paid back, which is highly unlikely, many will be bankrupt.
This is a level of consternation, confusion and chaos that existed in Germany
When Hitler came to power.
However, this time it is world wide.
History shows that godless governments
Always sow the seeds of their own destruction.
Today, all the governments of the world
Have sown the seeds of their destruction.
They are all inextricably, economically connected,
Having constructed the new economic world order,
The New Tower of Babel, a tower of confusion.
The have done this because they are godless.
They have rejected the Christ of God, Jesus, the only hope for humanity.
When Christ Jesus is rejected the nations are entirely in the hands of Satan
Who came to steal, kill and destroy as much of humanity as he can.
The nations and their leaders are deceived.
At the climax of the consternation, confusion and chaos
Satan will present his “solution,” the son of Satan,
The Antichrist, the Beast of Revelation.
All national currencies will be done away with
And his “mark” established as the only allowable currency.
This will be accomplished with all the supernatural power
Satan can muster.
It will be enough to convince a godless world.
The apostle Paul describes it this way:
The coming of the lawless one (the Antichrist)
Will be in accordance with the work of Satan
Displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders,
And in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.
They perish because they refuse to love the TRUTH and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a Powerful Delusion
So that they will believe the LIE
And so all will be condemned who have not believed the TRUTH
But have delighted in wickedness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
Speaking of The End Of The Age, Christ Jesus said:
For false Christs and false prophets will appear
And perform great signs and miracles
To deceive even the elect--if that were possible.
See I have told you ahead of time. (Matthew 24:24-25)
The apostle Paul said that this world in it's present form is passing away.
(1 Corinthians 7:31)
How far gone is it today, 2,000 years later?
Today, the only hope we have is to be found “in Christ Jesus.”
He is the “Ark of our Salvation,”
Just as the physical “Ark” was in the days of Noah.
My pray is that all who read this will believe the TRUTH, Christ Jesus
And be found “in Him.”

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