Thursday, November 4, 2021




by  | Nov 2, 2021 | Mario Murillo MinistriesVaccination Passports

Mario Murillo Ministries will never use an auditorium or church building that bans anyone who is unvaccinated. Here are the reasons why.
You force people to make a complicated and potentially dangerous decision. Are these vaccines safe? I would love to know.
I would love to know that these vaccines are not experimental drugs. 
That they have no side effects. 
It would be good to prove the FDA is neutral in their endorsements. 
Why do advocates use shady and tyrannical methods in to force people to be vaccinated?
They released the Salk and Sabin Polio vaccines to the public without stealth . 
They made the science clear to us. 
Americans freely chose and welcomed an effective and thoroughly tested weapon against a deadly disease.
If the leaders of the vaccination movement have made Americans suspicious and reluctant, they have no one to blame but themselves. 
A lot of questions remain unanswered.

I would love to know that these vaccines are not experimental drugs, that they have no side effects, and were not developed using fetal tissue.

If these vaccines are so safe and effective, then:
Why are government agencies and hospitals hiding the side effects of vaccination and inflating the death tolls from Covid?
Are people still getting infected with Covid even after they have been vaccinated?
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube censor honest and harmless questions about the vaccinations. Why?

Why are you denying the benefits of natural immunity, Ivermectin and Hydroquinone?
Why are masks still mandatory after vaccinations?

Should Christian ministries and gospel bands have less moral conviction than a fast-food company? 

Why are Democrats and Woke corporations destroying people’s livelihood and careers?  
All over a disease that has less than a one percent chance of putting you in the hospital.
And finally, In-N-Out Burger’s statement said it best. 
“We fiercely disagree with any government dictate that forces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronize their business. 
This is clear governmental overreach and is intrusive, improper, and offensive.”
What about Christian concerts in halls that ban the unvaccinated. 
Are you not discriminating against unvaccinated people? 
And, think about the health choice you are forcing people to make—just so they can come and hear your music or your ministry.
Should Christian ministries and gospel bands have less moral conviction than a fast-food company?
We have thought about it, and the very idea is repugnant to our convictions. 
That is why Mario Murillo Ministries will never use an auditorium or church building that bans anyone who is unvaccinated.

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