Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 Selling out the middle class

By Pete Riehm
November 14, 2021

During the Trump years, the American Middle Class enjoyed a prosperous renaissance as manufacturing jobs returned and energy independence became real spurring a roaring economy to record unemployment for all Americans. 

However, starting in President Trump’s last year in office, the last about year and a half has been devastating to average American workers. 

First, they were locked down and prevented from working due to pandemic scare mongering. 

Then, when they were finally allowed to return to work, inflation is severely eroding their real purchasing power. 

And now, they are being told they must take an experimental highly tenuous vaccine if they want to keep their jobs. 

The American Middle Class is being sold out at every turn.

The disinformation and misinformation about the Chinese virus has been stunning and the information available for the subsequent vaccine has not been much better. 

Like any healthcare, the COVID vaccines are an individual personal choice, but for some reason our leftist rogue federal government is determined to vaccinate all Americans and their children. 

Despite waning effectiveness with growing breakthrough infections and mounting reports of dangerous side effects, Joe Biden issued an Executive Order mandating all federal agencies, companies with federal contracts, and companies with over 100 employees must vaccinate their employees.

States are resisting and the courts are working to overturn this incredibly unconstitutional power grab, but private companies have been all too eager to enforce Biden’s tyrannical decrees. 

Despite significant worker protests and the clear unconstitutionality of silly OSHA regulations violating basic Constitutional rights, large private companies were undeterred and pressed ahead with denying exemptions and firing loyal workers. 

Typically with new regulations, companies proceed cautiously and wait until they must act, so why is big business moving on the vaccine mandates so rapidly? 

It all comes down to “money.” 

Companies do not want in any way to risk their federal contracts, so without hesitation they sold out the Middle Class. 

Your Constitutional rights were sacrificed for federal dollars.

Biden is impeding oil drilling and shutting down pipelines and then cynically asking OPEC to sell us more expensive energy. 

The skyrocketing cost of fuel is by design. 

It propels inflation, but higher energy costs are the quickest way to eat into the Middle Class’s pocketbooks and suppress freedom of movement. 

As a proportion of a household budget, expensive energy negatively impacts middle and low income earners to a much greater degree. 

This war on fossil fuel will also push Americans towards electric cars. 

Cheap energy benefits the American worker much more than the rich, but again the Middle Class is being sold out.

The Federal Government is frantically promising all manner of freebies to get votes, so they are trying to pass enormous spending bills they say will help average Americans. 

No, the unbelievable proposed profligate spending is first mostly corrupt, so little of it is used as advertised. 

Second, it’s intended to stoke inflation to eviscerate purchasing power; and third, the government is showering you with benefits like a drug dealer with free samples to make you dependent on them. 

They are using inflation to take your wage gains and convince you that you cannot survive without the crumbs they redistribute. 

Again, the Middle Class is being sold out to consolidate power in Washington.

While the Biden Administration has declared war on American citizens whether average workers or concerned parents and doggedly pursued progressive policies to annihilate the Middle Class, a cabal of environmental wacko’s, Euro trash, and elite globalist snobs has spent the last couple weeks at the UN Climate Change Summit known as the Conference of Parties or COP26 plotting the demise of western democracies and planning the end of capitalism. 

Aside from moaning about climate change and trying to sell the same snake oil Al Gore hasn’t been able to sell for three decades, the goals of COP26 are quite simple and transparent. 

Extort large sums of guilt money from stupid liberals in western countries to redistribute global wealth; and destroy western economies with onerous environmental regulations, but give communist countries a pass.

Obvious to all, the Climate Change Hoax is only propped up to destroy the American economy so that the United States can be cowed into globalism and global governance. 

China loves this game because they are exempt to continue polluting to grow stronger while they defeat the USA by simply scolding us into cutting our own throats.

It’s the American Middle Class that stands in the way of global tyranny, so whether leftists in your state capitol, Washington, or internationally, they are all trying to sell out the Middle Class until it no longer exists.

We have another tough year ahead until the Democrat lunatics and pretenders can be driven from power, but the people are pushing back. 

We The People still have more power than we realize, so continue to resist, elect real conservatives, and pray the Lord will deliver the United States from these evil designs.

“They trample on the heads of the poor as on the dust of the ground and deny justice to the oppressed” (Amos 2:7).

Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at Email him at or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm

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