Friday, November 5, 2021



Even Reuters realizes a worker rebellion has begun against the COVID shot mandates. 

The Biden shot mandates are causing a national crisis in every employment sector, including every branch of the military. 

No one will escape the consequences of this national emergency unless the mandates are stopped. 

The loss of health care, law enforcement and first responders will be felt locally and regionally. 

The loss of transportation will have an immediate national impact. 

Our supply chain is already strained. 

The mandates will exacerbate the shortages. 

Even essentials like food and medicine will be impacted. 

And it is all due to Biden’s COVID shot mandates.

We can stop the mandates if we work together. 

People are sick and tired of this administration and certain state governors meddling in our affairs. 

The people in Virginia had enough of statewide dictators and they cleaned house. 

Similarly, a worker rebellion is underway.

These mandates are cruel, and we must stop them. I’ll share the story of one woman with advanced cancer who is being forced to take this experimental shot or lose everything.

People are pleading for help with heartbreaking stories. 

We need your HELP to serve them. 

When you give to our ministry, you help us help these people on this case. 

DOUBLE your gift through our Challenge Grant. — Mat


Maggie* planned her retirement from the Federal Aviation Administration for November 13. 

However, now the Biden FAA is demanding she take the jab by November 8—just five days before her scheduled retirement.

But it gets worse. 

If Maggie doesn’t comply, she will be fired and lose her retirement savings and health benefits. 

This woman has stage IV cancer. 

Losing her job this way would be a death sentence!

Maggie’s doctor told her the COVID shot could likely take her out of remission. 

Like so many who ask for our help, Maggie is desperate and under intense pressure.

The shot mandates are abusive. 

This week during one of our daily conference calls—this one with 900 people on the line—a young single woman who is the sole breadwinner for her elderly and disabled parents began to share her story and broke down sobbing. 

She and her family are opposed to the shots because all of them used aborted fetal cell lines in the testing and/or development. 

This young woman is at her wit’s end. 

She has no idea what will happen to her parents if she loses her job.

Some politicians are turning a blind eye to the death and damage these shots and mandates are causing. I recently shared some of these stories with national congressional leaders who were stunned. Now they are hungry for more information and want to stop the mandates. We are providing resources to end the mandates.

Some doctors repeat the CDC lines without doing their own research. 

Some are afraid to speak up. 

We have developed one of the most comprehensive webpages on every aspect of the COVID shots.

We will be the voice of millions of desperate and hurting people. One group we are helping has more than 35,000 employees representing every transportation sector. 

These people feel like they have nowhere else to turn.

For many, we are their last hope. 

We will not give up on people like Maggie and millions more like her until we restore freedom across America. 

And your support is what is helping us stop these mandates!


HELP US STOP THE MANDATES AND AVERT A CRITICAL DISASTER. Give to LCA today to help stop the mandates.

Boeing—the airplane, satellite and weapons manufacturer—has 8,000 employees who are refusing the COVID shots. 

Reuters published an article this week titled “From Boeing to Mercedes, a U.S. worker rebellion swells over vaccine mandates.” 

The article begins by stating that “nearly half of the roughly 10,000 employees at aircraft companies Textron and Spirit AeroSystems are unvaccinated against COVID-19, risking their jobs in defiance of a federal mandate, according to a union official.”

These three companies alone would provide a serious disruption in transportation services in America. 

This crisis is certain unless the mandates end. 

Either these workers will be terminated or they will walk away. 

The resultant worker shortage will cripple transportation.

The Reuters article continues: “Opposition to the mandate could potentially lead to thousands of U.S. workers losing their jobs and imperil an already sluggish economic recovery, union leaders, workers and company executives said.”

Boeing employees gathered to protest the mandates. 

A veteran program analyst said, “The mandate is illegal, immoral, and impractical.”

The Boeing CEO feels caught in a catch-22. 

If the company does not enforce the Biden mandate, it will lose its federal contracts. 

If it enforces the mandate, Boeing will lose many key employees who are irreplaceable.

Raytheon Technologies CEO Greg Hayes warned that his defense firm will lose “several thousand” employees.

A group representing FedEx said “it would be virtually impossible to have all their workforces vaccinated by the deadline.”

People don’t like government micromanaging their affairs, and especially not their personal medical decisions! 

We have a very narrow time window to stop these mandates.

Help us STOP THE MANDATES for people like Maggie! 

DOUBLE your gift to provide more help through our Challenge Grant.

I cannot express the gratitude we are hearing from the thousands of people we have already helped. 

However, the cries for help and the desperation of so many more people are increasing. 

These stay with us every day. 

Help us help these people. Help us give them hope!

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. DOUBLE the impact of your donationsSelect here to equip our staff to fight this battle for free and fair medical choices.

P.P.S. Send faxes to key leaders demanding NO MANDATORY SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS. And then sign our petition.

*Name has been changed for privacy.


Bellon, Tina, and Eric M. Johnson. “From Boeing to Mercedes, a U.S. Worker Rebellion Swells over Vaccine Mandates.” Reuters, November 2, 2021.

“Resources & Research: COVID Vaccine.” Liberty Counsel Action, 2021.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854

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