Saturday, September 4, 2021



Like a fireman frantically rescuing people from a burning building and hearing their screams—this is how my team and I feel trying to help so many people across America who are pleading for help right now. 

The cries begging for help to escape forced injections haunt me every waking moment.

All day every day, my staff and I are taking call after call, praying, crying with these precious people. 

We try to calm them and walk them through the process. 

My legal team is drafting demand letters and preparing litigation to help as many as possible. This week, my legal team plans to file another lawsuit. 

In addition, we will argue our case against the state of Maine. 

We are doing everything in our power to serve every single person we can.

These people are counting down the hours. Some will be fired next week unless we are successful right now! 

Others already have been banned from the campus where they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and are prevented from getting a degree. 

The pressure on my team is immense. We are the only hope left for many of these people. 

But YOU are what makes it possible to fight and win these battles for freedom! Join LCA’s Challenge Grant to double the impact of your gift today. —Mat

Give to LCA to help stop this injustice.


I want you to get a tiny sliver of the 500+ requests flooding our office on a daily basis:

  • father is under a pulmonologist’s care for an ongoing medical issue. He must be evaluated every time he has congestion to ensure his condition does not deteriorate. He has been sick for two weeks, but his doctor refuses to evaluate him because he is not jabbed. There are no referral papers.
  • A husband and wife both work for the same company with a new baby on the way. They are being told to take this shot, which already has resulted in nearly 1,700 miscarriages. They must choose between their baby and no income and health benefits or injecting a substance that could kill their child!
  • A man's company said religious and medical exemptions won't be taken seriously. He has already recovered from COVID and also has a medical condition. Now he has to choose between his job of 16 years, including income and insurance, or possibly his life if the jab triggers a deadly reaction with his medical condition.
  • A shipping company is requiring proof of the shots to keep this lady's management job. The company refused both religious and medical accommodations.
  • A college senior's school implemented a strict mandate. Last year, he got a flu vaccine religious exemption, but this year, zero religious exemptions are being accepted. In addition, the school waited so long to deny his exemption that he cannot transfer to another college. He just lost an entire semester ... unless we can help him.
  • ... And we have THOUSANDS more people like this who need urgent help on a tight deadline right now. We are being stretched like a rubber band at its breaking point.

We never charge anyone who needs help. 

Instead, we rely 100% on donations from friends and supporters to help us fight to restore freedom here in America. 

Join our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift to help them now. 

Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.

It's going to get worse. Biden's Department of Health and Human Services announced a federal mandate for some employees. 

And the deadline for multiple state mandates is hurtling toward us. These are gross violations with the government inserting itself into private and religious affairs.

Nursing home workers are in a field that already is grossly understaffed during COVID. 

Now that the government is paying people to not work, many are unable to fully staff their nursing homes. 

Right now, we are working to help tens of thousands of nurses and other necessary medical staff who will be fired very soon!

These people are under incredible pressure. 

But once these shots are injected, there is no turning back the clock. Each of them might become just one more of the 13,627 who died or the 623,341 people with adverse reactions or the 17,794 who are permanently disabled.

  • "30 hours after receiving vaccine [I] woke coughing up blood."
  • "I have numbness/burning pain in my feet, hands, left side of the face and lips, cannot control body temperature along with constant dizziness, brain fog and an increase in IBS symptoms. [My test] came back positive for small fiber neurology, and they attribute it to the Covid vaccination. Pfizer's trial data shows one person that had this, and they claim it only lasted 2 weeks and subsided. ... Impossible, it is a life-altering disease. I will probably never be able to work or function normally again."
  • "I was taken to ER the day after my 2nd shot [and at first] they thought I'd had a heart attack. I've lost about a month of work since Feb. I'm exhausted all the time. I work when I can and spend every off minute in bed. I have heavy chest, diarrhea, nausea, brain fog, equilibrium problems, headaches, ringing in ears, [and a] low grade fever."
  • And there are hundreds of thousands more ...

Now these mandates are forcing everyone in certain fields to be injected or fired. 

Our government is forcing these people to line up for the biological equivalent of Russian roulette.

Your support empowers our organization to be on the front lines pushing back on these attacks on freedom here in America! We need YOUR HELP to DEFEND AGAINST MANDATORY SHOTS and VACCINE PASSPORTS. Please, give generously today for FREEDOM tomorrow!

If you want your voice heard directly by key leaders who can push back against these mandates, then send your faxes urgently demanding NO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS! Select here or the button below.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854

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