Tuesday, September 28, 2021



Imagine: Oregon turning red..
Please take our poll! 

Yesterday's vote to Gerrymander Oregon preceded by recent elections makes some people give up on chances for a Red/Conservative Oregon.  But should we count ourselves out?  NO!

Would you like to help turn Oregon Red?

The party registration spread in Oregon is not that great:  65% of voters are not Democrats!  Click here to see the percentages.
Check here to see Governor Brown's election results.  This shows that Brown won with 50.1% of the vote and the difference between those who supported her election and those who didn't is 1,999 votes. 
So with those percentages why do Democrats seem so invincible?

Here is the reason:

Here is the solution:
Please join us in transforming the Oregon political landscape today. 
Give $10.00 today (about a cup of coffee and a donut)! 

For more information:  visit www.OregonFaithandFreedom.org  or info@oregonfaithandfreedom.org.

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