Thursday, September 30, 2021



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Today's devotional reading for:
Thursday, Sep 30, 2021

All Things New

Look! I am making all things new.

— Revelation 21:5

Have you noticed that nothing stays new in our world? 

A new house, a new car, a new pair of pants—it doesn’t take long before they become old, broken, and worn out.

Jesus Christ came to take things that were old, dying, and dead and make them new. 

Is it any wonder, then, that those who are to be a part of the new kingdom of this great King who makes things new must be “new creatures”?

From the very moment He was born of a virgin, until He was laid in a new tomb, He constantly made things new, even up until now, and will continue to do so through that great climactic day when He says, 

Look! I am making all things new(Revelation 21:5a). 

That is the very essence of Jesus Christ.

The message of Jesus is Good News. 

He has established a new kingdom into which He introduces only new men who are new creatures—a kingdom which is entered by a new and living way, a kingdom which has new laws, new customs, new riches, a new charter, and a new King as well as new citizens.

Question to ponder:
How does our glorious future of “newness” start already here on earth?


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