Wednesday, September 1, 2021



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Today's devotional reading for:
Wednesday, Sep 1, 2021

Labor Day Considerations

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

— Colossians 3:23

Your work matters before God. We should do it for His glory.

Look at the difference the Savior has made in reference to labor. 

Jesus Christ picked up the saw and the hammer and the plane; and in so doing He wrought a miracle in civilization. Most people are totally unaware of what that did. 

But it changed the whole concept of work. 

Do you realize that in ancient Greece or Rome honest work was despised as servile and was consigned to slaves?

But Christ came and He gave a new dignity to labor. 

Before the word of God had come and taken over countries there were only slaves. 

Half the Roman Empire at the time of Christ was slaves and serfs. 

But those slaves and serfs in the lands where the Gospel of Christ has come have been translated into the working classes. 

And in America where the Word of God has come more fully, they were translated into the middle class—out of poverty and into economic well-being.

All honest labor is holy unto the Lord.

Question to ponder:
How do you feel about your work? Do you see it as a service to God?


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